IIW 23 Notes
[hide]Tuesday October 25, 2016
Session 1
11:00 - 12:00
1A/ PDEC (Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium) Update
1B/ “Correlation” TA.F.K.A. “Idenitity”
1C/ Intro to Verifiable Claims
1E/ The End-to-End Decentralized Identity Platform – What is looks like, how we can achieve it.
1F/ The Blue Button Experience
1G/ Introduction to OAuth2 (101)
1H The Four Kinds of Privacy – Defensive – Human Rights – Personal - Contextual
Session 2
12:00 - 1:00
2A/ ONTY A new communication platform based on private sharing
2B/ UX Hacking the Personal Data Dashboard
2F/ Personal Data Stores in the Enterprise (collaboration and ownership)
2G/ INTRO: Open ID Connect (101)
2I/ Kantara Incubator – Re-run of April ++
Session 3
2:00 - 3:00
3A/ JLINC 101 for Alice and Bob Co
3B/ Personal API’s – Scope of and where we are now
3C/ Financial Data $ Aggregation and Sovereign Identity
3E/ Your (1st party) Terms that companies agree to
3F/ A Discussion of Military Identity use cases
3H/ Defining the Sphere of Privacy
3I/ Smart Contracts for Self-Sovereign Data Usage
Session 4
3:00 - 4:00
4B/ Self-sovereign Identity Container DEEP DIVE
4C/ Help me “help” my professor…
4E/ What is SOVRIN?
4G/ INTRO (101) User Managed Access /UMA
4I/ Signed Biometric Storage + Transport Specification
4J/ Literature Review for Personal Data, Personal Info Economy
Session 5
4:00 - 5:00
5A/ Security Events 101 – Distributed Architecture Evolution
5E/ Foundations of Privacy – Respecting Identity in Sovrin
5F/ Self-Sovereign Support Technology (DID – Mobile – Bots -…)
5G/ Principles of Self-Sovereign Identity
5I/ Self-Sovereign Identity for KIDS ~ onboarding the next generation to the web we want/web of trust
5K/ Standards and their use for IoT/Riding the crest of DDoS Event
Wednesday October 26, 2016
Session 1
9:30 - 10:30
1A/ SMA for 2-Factor Authentication: Secure Enough?
1B/ Tutorial PBFT In Depth What’s the “f” in BFT
1F/ Well Fargo: Never Again (?)
Session 2
10:30 - 11:30
2A/ Healthcare & ID unconference?
2B/ Why Distributed Ledgers for Self-Sovereign Identity? How Sovrin Works
2C/ MFA 3.0
2F/ An Association for Identity Professionals
2G/ Identity Verification Flows and Machine Learning in Fintech
2I/ Payments – Ne2B BillPay & P2P CP and CNP – Self Sovereign Identity
Session 3
11:30 - 12:30
3A/ Security Events Distribution
3B/ Student Profiles & Virtual Universities
3C/ Verifiable Claims Deep Dive
3F/ Blockchain Family Value – re:Trust
3G/ My Data Technology Stack ‘101’ Realizing the White Paper in Code
3H/ Building a Secure Consumer Fintech Service from Scratch
Session 4
2:30 - 3:30
4B/ Interactive Session on ‘applying’ Decentralized ID’s and Idenitity Containers to real use cases
4C/ ONTY.com Connect Via Private Share
4D/ Life Cycle for People’s Online Identities
4E/ Consent Receipts – Crossing the Finish Line
4F/ Self-Sovereign Identity – What’s Different?
4G/ PicoLabs
4H/ OTTO = Open Trust Taxonomy for Federation Operators
4I/ Ecosystem Maps – What’s happening in standards bodies.
4J/ Identity Breeder Documents - Claiming Yours
Session 5
3:30 - 4:30
5A/ Reputation A Logorithms and Scoring for Curating Sefl-Sovereign Data
5B/ Personal API Implementation using AWS
5E/ Access Control & Data Rights for the Industrial Internet
5G/ Identity in Physics – What can we learn?
5I/ Team Data Demo – personal data store
5J/ Identity Without the Individual – Institutional Authorization in Publishing
Thursday October 27, 2016
Session 1
9:30 - 10:30
1E/ Introduction to OAuth2 – 101 second offering
1F/ Design of a Scalable Service Broker
1G/ ”Federated” / Decentralized Social Web – What happened? Can it happen?
1I/ Verifiable Claims Intro – Problem Statement Goals
Session 2
10:30 - 11:30
2A/ Identity Container Wars! Plah JSON vs RDF vs XDI
2E/ Hashtag - No Stalking: ‘Just give me ads not based on tracking me’
2F/ Identity in the Elevator – Brainstorm 15 second explorations for IIW jargon for lay people
2I/ Verifiable Claims / Use Cases
Session 3
11:30 - 12:30
3A/ Market-Facing Terminology Harmonization
3E/ Sophisticated Ledgers and Smart Contracts – Are the useful?
3F/ From DB to PDS: Blessing data about you with your identity preserve Privacy
3G/ ID correlation (no $) startup architecture & business model
3I/ Verifiable Claims – Use Cases Deep Dive
Session 4
12:30 - 2:00
4E/ Self-Sovereign Technology Stack
4G/ Time and Identity in Physics
4I/ Verifiable Cliams – Architecture and Goals
Session 5
2:00 - 3:00
5A/ Burn It Down and Start Over
5E/ Biometric Recovery of Self-Sovereign Identity