ONTY A new communication platform based on private sharing
- Tuesday 2A
Convener: Simon Jones
Notes-taker(s): Doc Searls
- Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Onty is about privacy.
Privacy ⊂ freedom. (Privacy is a subset of freedom.)
"I wanted to find out if anyone else on my street had a miscarriage so we could talk to them ; I couldn’t go to Facebook with that.” — Soho, London, March 2016
gagging by exposure.
broadcast model
lack of data sovereignty
degree of data inspection
Onty: private <—> sharing
no broadcast
confident in confidence
reduce digital litter (it’s a targeted matching system—you can target it to whoever you want to hear it, not to the world)
Does any Canadian woman in London want to have a baby with me?
There may be an obscure forum for this, you may still not want to go there, because it’s to exposed, for example.
Wouldn’t it be good to build your half of this and leave it privately on the internet.
Uses a digital lock and key (not PKI)
wants baby
lives london
It’s a story and a thought matching system
It’s story agnostic. Doesn’t know or care, because your story is private.
It multi-graphs.
Others might be
- Who does your job in China, or who drives their kids to your kid’s school?
- Who does .net programming in Bali, surfs and speaks fluent English
- Who’s on Airbnb in Paris, is Japanese and can tutor.
- Has anyone found my GoPro that I lost in Cornwall
Who does .net programming in Bai, surfs and speaks fluent English
Who’s on Airbnb in Paris, is Japanese and can tutor.
Has anyone found my GoPro that I lost in Cornwall
The idea is that Onty can take all these stories, these halves and combine them into a self-soveriegn picture of you. There are bits of my life in here.
Q: is this uni-directional?
A: It’s hierarchical, but the matching doesn’t care about the representation?
We may allow cross-links in the future. Experimental aspect.
Q: Something about people trying to game / entrap people to expose them somehow:
A: Soon as you find a bad use, you know you have a good project. There are lots of self-policing efforts.
Q: Can you allow time delayed feedback loops.
A: there are many experiments we need to have
stories: privacy encourages breadth and depth mine system for connectoins and talk. be selectively serarchable on any part of youir story. Onty is agnostic.
When youi find what you’re looking for, you can immediately chat.
The key is the only thing you know about each other is shared information.
Q: what about the exposure of communicating yoiur life story in the clear?
A: A good point. a hard challenge framing this project. Avoiding “private” and “anonymous.”
(Digressive point about anonymity: <https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-Greater-Internet-Fuckwad-Theory>)
Discussion about exposure.
There is no idea of a profile. There is no avatar, no other digital version of you. Designed so you can project the plurality of your self. No individual match is a whole.
Demo: https://onty.com
Ontys are quick and easy to read. Designed to solve the matching problem for any two statements.
Don’t want to match blocks of prose.
Hosting intent
Imagine a story where a woman retired is mmaking honey from rose nectar.
Can’t preëmpt all the ways this might be used.
Q: do any canonization? Pluralization? Synonyms?
A: Designed to be language neutral.
A self-organized system. At any pointy in the graph, onty will give you suggestions from everywhere in every graph. Persons in messages are represented by numeric strings. The respondent can see no more identity than a match.
Q: ever heard of bio-pin? Might be similar or relevant.
It has a number of long term goals, beyond being a private sharing system.
When it becomes established, it has emerging properties people can benefit from. One for example is being used to generate a proxy ID on the internet. Airbnb has a massive paradox of choice issue.
The solution to all matching problems can never be designed by developers. Need to hand control over the design of the service, or the problem, back to the users.
Matching problems can never be designed by developers. Need to hand control over the design of the service, or the problem, bac to the users.
While it looks like the solution to the private sharing problem, it is suitable to the intention economy. matching intent to sell or buy.
Q: Parallel effort: platform business models. business is about matching third parties.
Advantage is private search.
In matching demand and supply. making the intention economy happen
Advantage in discovery.
Opportunities in corporate search
If you ask a question, the only people who will discover it are others with the same question or those that have the answer.
You need to
Q: where you going with the protocol?
Q: note the metacurrency project — deep wealthy, non-currency ways of valuing. cemtrex