Smart Contracts for Self-Sovereign Data Usage

From IIW
Smart Contracts for Self-Sovereign Data
Tuesday 3I

Convener: Sam Smith

Notes-taker(s): Sam Smith

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:'

What is Self-Sovereign Data?

-Portable Identifiers Portable Attributes Owner Controlled and Managed Decentralized

What is a smart contract?

-Block-Chain Rule Engine for terms and conditions and enforcement Riccardian Contracts Triple Entry Bookkeeping

Issues Forgetfulness Privacy (Third Party Correlation) Watermarking Enforcement

A lot of time was spent answering questions about block-chain and smart contracts

A use case was presented where a time-limit for use of data disclosed to a second party is included in a riccardian contract. A Riccardian contract is user readable text that can be executed by a computer such as JSON

The issue of enforcement or lack of enforcement was discussed

A request was made for more use cases of the types of terms and conditions that would be useful for data usage that could be the basis for forming smart contract.