Verifiable Claims Deep Dive

From IIW
Verifiable Claims Deep Dive

Wednesday 3C

Convener: Manu Sporny

Notes-taker(s): Manu Sporny

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if

appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

It is currently difficult to transmit banking account information, proof of age, education qualifications, healthcare data, and other sorts of verified personal information via the Web. These sorts of data are often referred to as verifiable claims. The mission of the Verifiable Claims Working Group is to make expressing, exchanging, and verifying claims easier and more secure on the Web. The Credentials Community Group and the Verifiable Claims Task Force of the Web Payments Interest Group at W3C have extensively researched the problem and proposed an architecture and specification to enable the interoperable expression and verification of claims. The narrow scope of work in the draft Verifiable Claims Working Group Charter proposes that the first step toward broad interoperability is standardizing a data model and syntaxes for the expression and verification of verifiable claims.

Specifically, the Verifiable Claims Working Group will Recommend:

  • a data model and syntax(es) for the expression of rich verifiable claims, including one or more core vocabularies.
  • a note specifying how these data models should be used with existing attribute exchange protocols, a suggestion that existing protocols should be modified, or a suggestion that a new protocol is required to address the problems stated earlier in this document.
  • The Working Group will NOT define a new protocol for attribute exchange or JavaScript browser APIs. These work items may be proposed at a future date if there is support for them, but are not necessary to successfully achieve the first step of interoperability.



Verifiable Claims Architecture:

Use Cases:


More supporting information (W3C charter, due diligence documents, etc.) can be found here: