Remote Identity Proofing

From IIW
Remote Identity Proofing
Tuesday 2H

Convener: Francisco Corella, Karen Lewison

Notes-taker(s): Francisco Corella, Karen Lewison

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

Remote identity proofing usually relies on asking the subject multiple-choice knowledge questions (e.g. which of the following zip codes did you live in five years ago?), but this method is privacy-invasive and has become ineffective due to the proliferation of personal data available online.

We have identified five remote identity proofing solutions that can be used as alternatives to knowledge-based verification. Solution 1 uses a rich credential issued by a DMV and containing a facial image for three factor verification with spoofing detection. Solution 2 uses an adaptation of a rich credential for use in conjunction with a blockchain. In Solution 3, the subject demonstrates possession of a contactless EMV credit card to a remote verifier via a native app that interacts with the card over a Near Field Communication (NFC) connection and with the verifier over a secure Internet connection, and relays Application Protocol Data Units (APDUs) between the card and the verifier. In Solution 4, the subject demonstrates possession of a contactless medical identification smart card containing a certificate and a facial image, via a native app that relays APDUs and submits an audio-visual stream that the verifier uses for face recognition with spoofing detection. Finally, Solution 5 relies on face recognition with spoofing detection using the signed facial image and biographic data contained in the RFID chip embedded in a passport.

