Help me “help” my professor…
- Help Me “Help” My Professor
- Tuesday 4C
Convener: Kaliya Young
Notes-taker(s): Kaliya Young
- Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Kaliya student at the MSIMS program at UT Austin.
I’ve been learning some “interesting” things at school. These include the below slide
The Notorious Three (now Four) Categories of Identifiable Information
What you KNOW
What you HAVE
What you ARE
What you DO
I asked for help from the IIW crowd to figure out how to communicate the professor about the wrongness of the slide. Throughout the 12 years I have been working in the identity industry these have been referred to as the methods of authentication and NOT categories of identifiable information.
The suggestions included looking the absurdity of the statements themselves.
What you know - The list of things that include what one knows (presumably all the information in one’s head)
What you have - All the things you have (presumably all items that one owns regardless of their ability to be identifying).
What you Are - looking at the science behind biometrics and how they work.
What you do - the way you type and your gate.
What you are and do only work if you are actually enrolled into a system. Other wise they just support correlation.
Understanding the Mosaic Theory of Identity
Looking up the ISO standards on identifiers that they are two kinds immutable and mutable
Understanding of Information Theory could help in debunking the error