Notes iiw9
From IIW
PDF of all the notes from (almost) all the session at IIW9.
Tuesday November 3
Session 1
- A: OpenID Artifact Binding =Nat
- D: Gluu Metaprise - MIke Schwartz
- E: Cloud Selector - Susan Marrow
- F: Vulnerabilities in ID tech - Rich Smith
- G: VRM Loyalty Cards in Real World - Chris Carfi
- H: Data Portability TOS EULA - Steve Greenberg
- I: Social Consent - Angus Logan, Kevin Marks
- K: Social InterNetworking - Rohit Khare
Session 2
- A: Attribute eXchange =Nat
- B: Biz Case for Data Portability - Elias Bizannes
- C: Identity Selector for OpenID - Mike Jones, Ariel Gordon, Oren Melzer
- D: Enterprise Use of Consumer Identities - Pamela Dingle
- E: Activity Streams - Monica Keller, Chris Messina
- F: Privacy Risk Assessment at the data item level - Jeff Stallman
- G: Question to ask for request - Alan Karp
- I: Legal Layer of the Stack - Scott David
- M: Twitter What's with it? - Kaliya
Session 3
- A: Salmon - John Panzer
- B: Selling to Consumers - Phil wolff
- F: User- Managed Access - Eve Maler
- J: Email Sucks What's Next - JAM
Wednesday November 4th
Session 4
- A: Attribute Aggregation - David Chadwick
- B: OpenID Security - Breno, Jeff, Ashish
- C: Building Action Cards - Phil Windley
- E: Microformats Meaning in HTML existing formats - Kevin Marks
- F: elgg Open Source Social Networking - Justin Richer
- G: Defining Meaningful Claims - Patricia
Sessoin 5
- A: OpenID for Science Community - Dhiva, Mike Helm
- B: Identity in the Browser: Security and Protocol Issues
- F: Role of 3rd Parties in enabling trust frameworks, challenges, business models, opportunities - Lena Kannappan
- G: What an RP Needs - Joseph Smarr
- I: The Business Imperative of User-Driven Data - Darias Dunlap
Session 6
- A: Trust Nexus - Mike Duffy
- B: Open Identity Trust Framework - Drummond Reed, Don Thibeau
- C: The Hammer-Stack "advanced"
- D: Identity and Cloud Computing - Anil Saldhana
- E: Active Client iiw9 - RL "Bob" Morgan
- G: The Small Business Web Issues of building a "whole product solution" - Sunir Shah, Freshbooks
- I: 4th Party Provider Brainstorm
Day 2 Lunch
- E: ID Commons Stewards Call - Mary Ruddy
Session 7
- A: OpenID Contract Exchange and Japan Update =Nat
- B: Identity and iPhone - Jeff Shan
- C: OpenID Session Management Best Practices - Johannes Earst
- F: Going to Market Mobilizing a community of RP's and OpenID InfoCard enabled session - Mike Ozburn, Scott David
- G: Is Assurance Real? - RL "bob Morgan
- H: OpenID Provider Office Hours - Yahoo, Google, AOL, MyOpenID
Session 8
- E: Salmon Pixie Dust - Johnathan Panzer
- F: I'm from Phone Company How can I help - Kevin Marks, BT
- G: Strong AuthN - Micheal Sprague, Wave Systems
- I: Schema Mapping Using Personal Data Madel - Paul Trevithick
Session 9
- A: OpenID v. Next
- E: Information Sharing - Joe Andreu
- F: Data Traceability in the cloud - Steve Holcombe
- I: Facebook Recycling -
- L: Spectrum of Identity and other things - Kaliya Hamlin Rick Smith
Session 10
- A: WRAP - Simple OAuth - Web Resource AuthN Protocol - Dick Hardt, Allen Tom, Brian Patton
- C: From Paramecium to People - Bioinformatics,Identity and Law - Scott David
- E: Portable Contexts - Joe Andreu
- F: How Should Identity Support in the browser look like? - Johannes Ernst
- I: My Ideal Identity Flow - Eran Sandler
Session 11
- A: Public Key Discovery
- B: Identity in the Browser
- C: SAML and OAuth - Paul Madsen
- E: Open Identity Trust Frameworks
- G: Lessons Learned Past Efforts...Email Auth... Ev SSL - Jim Fenton, Craig Spiezle
Lunch Day 3
- A: Why Facebook doesn't implement OAuth today - Luke, David
- F: Getting data into XRD - Will Noris
Session 12
- E: Rich Sharing on the Web - Alan Kar
- F: XRI Resolution using XRD 1.0 =Drummond
- G: Where should Identity Live - Andrew Arnott
- I: Factors Influencing VRM/CMI Enabled marketing systems - Michael Becker