4th Party Provider Brainstorm

From IIW

Convener: Julian Gay Notes-taker(s): Judy Clark, Julian Gay, Doc Searls

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

  • 4th Party
  • Agency
  • Advocate
  • Customer
  • Consumer
  • Representation

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

4th Party definition = product or service that helps individual intentionally engage with other parties (e.g. Businesses) Has a ethical obligation to act on behalf of the user/customer (agent or proxy) (Aggregators not necessarily 4th party – no ethical obligation)

Pure 4th party = customer pays

Enterprise benefits in becoming 4th party provider: loyalty increases, long term relationships increases and churn (?) decreases

(written notes transcribed by Heidi)