Portable Contexts
Convener: Joe Andrieu, Switch Book, http://switchbook.com/
Note Taker: Virginie de Bel-air, Orange Labs
How can a user keeps track and manage context to share with the sites he/she is visiting
Context: ambient, active (active implicit or explicit)
How could it look like?
Could be a cross-site cookie with semantics that I can control Portable data store
A. Use-cases:
- search (different level if intent from browsing to be ready to transact)
- status update
- customer support
B. Content -> what should be in the portable context document?
- Implicit: actions/ attention
- Explicit: interim work product
- discovery (image, html)
- excel data set
- flash file
* PII by reference
- Ambient by reference
- The environment (time, at work, weather....)
* Permissions
C. Format/ Protocols RDF document
Subject Pre Object I.e: user queried travel trip Departs city LA Arriv City HNL
W3C work:
Delivery context
Describing human activities
D. How to share?
Discovery: Web sites could have link on their websites that could be discoverable where one can plug the portable context Sites need to have server ability to understand what is being sent
Conditions: only data that can be sent is an ontology that is understood by the “data store” and that can be presented in a meaningful manner to the user and that the user can edit E. What type of tool?
Switchbook has a IE plugin
Yahoo Search Monkey (collects searches in digital scrap book)
Browser can do that
Should be editable