Monday Outline

From IIW

A group of community members came together to help design the Monday program. You can see the work that went into this here Design Team

Introductory Track 1-3:30 pm

1 Phil Windley, author of Digital Identity, will be leading the introductory track for all those who are new to user-centric identity, IIW etc.

It will cover core elements of user-centric identity.There will be a lot of time for questions and answers.

All major, projects, protocols, initiatives in the community will write a one pager to articulate, what they are and how you can participate and learn more. We will have introductory tutorial sessions as part of the open space sessions on Tuesday.

This will be followed by a 4pm session that is the whole community together (newbies and those doing other working group activity).

Projects in the Community

Community Projects are diverse in their range and scope and many are working groups of Identity Commons.

  • There are open standards efforts, open protocols, open conceptual models, open source projects to implement open standards and protocols.
  • There are projects to address social and legal implications of these technologies.
  • There are efforts to rethink the business models and opportunities avaliable with these new technologies.

What they have in common is they are collaborative efforts between people from many different companies and organizations towards the shared purpose of Identity Commons "to support, facilitate, and promote the creation of an open identity layer for the Internet, one that maximizes control, convenience, and privacy for the individual while encouraging the development of healthy, interoperable communities."

Open Standards

Standards Interop

Major Information Card Projects

Browser Based Card Selectors

Multi-Protocol Open Source Projects

Industry Consortia

Groups Addressing Legal/Social/Business Issues

Existing Working Groups 12:45-4:00

There will be 2 1.5 hour "advanced" sessions for existing working groups and those who have attended IIW before. Please let us know if you want to hold a session in this time. (kaliya [at] mac [dot] com)

Pre Conference Session 9-12

  • Concordia

Day One Session 1 12:45-2:15

  • XRDSP (XRDS Provisioning protocol) (10-15)
  • OAuth (5)

Day One Session 2 2:30-4:00

  • HBX (Higgins Browser Extension) Provisioning and Authentication Working Session. (12)

Whole Group Convergence 4:00 - 5:30/6:00

Facilitated Group Discernment.


  • The OpenID Foundation has an announcement to make
  • ooTao has an announcement to make
  • The OASIS XRI Technical Committee has an announcement to make
  • Vidoop

Identity Commons Presentation

Link to the Presentation on Slide Share by Kaliya Hamlin, Identity Woman, IIW Steward and Dale Olds, Bandit Project, OSIS Steward.

Hosted Dinner Amarin Thai 7:00


  • Tom Ka Soup - 1/2 vegetarian 1/2 chicken
  • Fresh Spring Roll
  • Chicken - mango with cashew nuts
  • Beef and green beens
  • Chicken Green curry with Vegtables
  • Pad Tai Vegetarian
  • Pannang Tofu
  • + Free non-alcoholic drinks
  • + one drink ticket for beer or wine