IIW 34 Session Notes
Documentation Center Sponsors: Jolocom https://jolocom.io/ and AyanWorks http://www.ayanworks.com/
Tuesday April 26, 2022
Session 1
1E/ CIDPRO - Non profit, Identity Industry, Certification
1F/ Open ID for SSI 101 (aka SJOP w/Demo)
1G/ Welcome to Kantara - Active Groups
Session 2
2A/ Uses of the vLEI - ID for organizations and representatives
2B/ IIW 101 Session - Into to OpenID Connect
2C/ Verifiable Credential V2 - Charter Scope etc.
2E/ Make DID in 5 min.(with free, open tools only) How? Bring your approach - Tell the World
2F/ DWP The Decentralized Web Platform
2G/ vLEI Ecosystem Governance Framework
2K/ User Experience - Making the Metaverse Fun
Session 3
3A/ High Security Use Cases in “Passkeys” era
3B/ IIW 101 Session UMA (User Managed Access)
3D/ Control Channel for Identity DIDComm?
3F/ Global Assured Identity Network PoC 101
3G/ 25 Billion Password Compromised - Preventing Account Takeover Using Open ID - SSE
3H/ What if You Had All Your Personal Data in a Single Place You Control? Demo & Discussion
3I/ Reinventing Digital Identity - Consumer Merchants & Regulators
3J/ Where are the Complete EcoSystems?
3K/ Consensus - Do We Agree on What it Means to Agree?
Session 4
4A/ ACDC for Muggles - Authentic Chained Data Containers NO WIZARDS!!!
4C/ Introducing the Spritely Networked Communities Institute
4E/ WEB Browsers + Identity Flows
4F/ What Credential Format is the Best?
4G/ The ByWay Local - First ECommerce Without BigTech Giants
4H/ On-Chain Application of DIDs (did:sol & Cryptid)
4I/ Machine-Readable Governance Files 1 and DIDs + Directories of Trust
4K/ SHOW ME the MONEY!!! A Conversation on PD&I Commercial Models
Session 5
5A/ ACDC (Wizards) Authentic Chained Data Containers
5B/ JSON Eb Proofs (JWP’s) What, Why and How
5C/ Trust Over IP Introduction & What’s Next (ToIP)
5D/ EUconsent - Interoperable Anon Age Verification Across Europe +
5E/ Build an SSI Proof of Concept in 30min or Less
5F/ Godiddy.com by Danube Tech
5G/ What Did You Wish You Knew When You Started Identity?
5H/ The Chicken, The Egg, or The Verifier - A Verifier First Approach to Adoption
5I/ Self Sovereign IoT Helium, Picos, DIDComm
5J/ What Should “Twitter” Really Be?
5K/ When Do We Need a Ledger? (KERI, ORB, DID:WEB, IPFS)
Wednesday April 27, 2022
Session 6
6C/ OpenID Advanced Syntax for Claims
6D/ Common Features & Requirements of SSI-based Storage
6E/ IDPro AMA and What is the Future of the IDENTITY Profession?
6F/ Bridging The Gap! (Between Traditional IAM & SSI)
6G/ Human Rights by (Protocol) Design - Make surveillance and profiling as expensive as possible…
6H/ Indy DID Method & Network of NetWorks
6I/ Open ID & SSI Credential Issuance
6K/ Building Privacy - Preserving Payment Rails for Identity Exchange
Session 7
7C/ Keep Ux Design for the vLEI Ecosystem
7D/ Identities or the MARTIAN Smart Home: an urbit discussion of self-sovereign IoT
7F/ Wallet Security - the overloaded trust relationship
7G/ LEAKED CREDS 101 - How Leaked Creds are Used to Compromise IAM Systems?
7I/ Reference Architecture or Trust over IP - Universal Interoperability
7K/ Bottom-up Trust Structures w/ KILT VCOs
Session 8
8B/ ISO Mobile Driving License - Convergence for Adoption? - Fireside Chat Format
8C/ TPM Tutorial - Using it for User ID and Device ID
8D/ What are Still the Risks & Weaknesses in SSI Solutions?
8F/ DiD Science an analysis of global DiD Data
8G/ Webauthn, WebOTP, FedCM, Password Managers - Relationships?
8H/ Identity in the Supply Chain: GS1 Verification LIbrary - POC nd Future Use Cases
8I/ We ran a survey for SSI vendors: Find out what we found!
8K/ Cred. Manifest/Wallet Rendering: Getting to V1
Session 9
9A/ How to Store All Your Personal Data in One Place - Technology
9B/ Dealing with a 1000 SSI Wallets and many more credentials
9C/ CESR - Composable Event Streaming Representation / CESR Proof Signatures
9E/ WEB 3 Credentialing for TODAY’s Webb Wallets
9F/ BLOCKCHAIN vs. Right To Be Forgotten: 3 Solutions
9H/ Presentation Exchange - W3C VC’s
9J/ Supply Chain Traceability - VC, DID, Linked Data
9L/ How To NFT ME! - Secure My Personhood
Session 10
10D/ Open Trust Claims - Atomic Trust in a Dangerous World - Interactive Hack
10E/ VP Holder Binding w/ Session DID Through Capability Delegation
10F/ DWN Deep Dive - Discussion
10G/ Interchain Identifiers (IIDs)
10H/ Credential Formats - What is the Best
10I/ Domains of Identity - Presentation of Kaliya’s Book
10K/ Best Way to Work with and Engage Orgs - My Data, MEF, Me2B, Me9…
Standing Circle/ Interoperability Part 2
Thursday April 28, 2022
Session 11
11A/ How to govern all your personal data in one place?
11B/ Auto-Generating Language Wrappers for SSI Rust Libraries & What to Expect with DIDcomm V2
11F/ Conspiracy Theories about digital ID - What are they? How do we respond?
11G/ MARKET ADOPTION STRATEGY for Global Standardization (How to get Budget!!)
11L/Teaching SSI with Political Precinct Caucus Credentialing
Session 12
12A/ How SSI Will be Adopted (my P.O.V.)
12C/ NEVER say WebAuthN is Hardware protected unless you check attestations!
12D/ KEPLER Design Overview: Shallow or Deep Dive
12F/Kim Cameron & The Seven Laws of Identity
12G/ Can we solve the Bring Your Own Wallet Problem?
12H/ IdentiTEA for you & Me - The Trust Triangle, Triple Entry Accounting + the New New World
12I/ Identity in the Age of A.I. - Identity Crisis? “An open conversation”
Session 13
13B/ Tunnel to KERI Island - How can we interoperate with KERI?
13C/ FIDO / WebAuth for Verifiable Credentials
13D/ VALUE CHAIN How is value spread across
13E/ How can we make W3C JSON-LD Credentials sucl less?
13F/ GLOBAL Covid Certificate Network POC Demo
13H/ They Might be SQUINTs ?! (or DAPs…)
13I/ Self Sovereign IoT Decentralizing Sensors w/ Helium, PICOS & DIDComm
13J/ Thoughtful Biometrics - A conversation & Workshop in July
13K/ Browser API: Fedcom + VC + mDL?
Session 14
14A/Presentation Exchange - over- HTTP(s) +
14D/ @ Address - Fingerprints #Tags a discussion of identifier classes
14G/ LIL & LOL - Building for Humans without Bull-Dozing their Humanism
14H/ Are you telling the story you think? Communication Workshop
14I/ The Everything Graph: Building Anything from Identity Primitives
14K/ GDPR: Does the G stand for Glitter Nails? A shared Vocabulary
Session 15
15A/AR - ACDC Reputation - How to build a distributed auto resourcing Algo using ACDC
15B/ Going to DWeb Camp Aug 24 - 28 Community Planning
15C/ Discussion: Best Practice & Architecture for Cloud Enterprise Wallet
15F/ DIDLANG Language for DID identifiers, documents, clustered DID agents, and DID Objects
15H/ MOBILE CREDENTIALS - wish lists, changes to standards org, how to help each other Hughes
15I/ Popper’s Paradox of Tolerance
15J/ DIGITAL ID as a Response to Climate Change
15K/ “The Scout Mindset” Why some people see things clearly, and others do not.