IDCollab Day Notes
The ID Collaboration Day Book of Proceedings is available! File:ID Collaboration Day Book of Proceedings.pdf
Session 1
(1A): Identity Commons Claims Agent Working Group
(1B): Citizen ID’s and Winlogon credentials? Why AND/OR Why not
(1C): How Will the Enterprise do Identity In The Cloud?
(1E): UK Government ID For Digital Public Service
(1G): Why (Identity, Privacy, Turst) Frameworks are Failing
Session 2
(2B): Identity In The Browser
(2G): Architecture for A Personal Data Ecosystem
Session 3
(3G): U-Prove CTP RZ
Session 4
(4A): ANSI / NASPO – ID-V Standards Workgroup Update
(4B): Machine Readable Policies to Informed Consent
(4D): NIH Seeks Higher LOA
(4G): Personal Data Management (part2) Practical Applications and Market Considerations
Session 5
(5E): Use Cases for User Centric and Communicating Them On The Web–Identity Labs?
(5G): Kantara Universal Login Experience
Session 6
(6A): Open ID ABC – High LOA Secure Discovery