VRM Parts
From IIW
Issue/Topic: VRM Parts and Holes
Monday – Session 5 - E
Conference: IIW10 May 17-19, 2009 this is the complete Complete Set of Notes
Convener: =DOC
Notes-taker(s): Markus Sabadello
A. Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
B. Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
- ProjectVRM grew out of IIW
- Individuals should be able to control relationships under their own terms
- Concerned with interaction with commerce and government
- User = Point of Integration
- Change the marketplace where we as customers have more to contribute
- CRM: 12$ billion business.
- "Customers are creatures you hunt, seek, lock in, acquire, manage" = language of slavery used by the sellers of the world
- CRM Magazine: "Customer does not belong to you."
- Change happening in CRM business!
- CRM is not gonna like VRM? VRM = reciprocal? No! Venn diagram, they are part of the same thing. Buyer and Seller both gain from it. Power to all parties.
- Advice to CRM people: Learn from it, take advantage!
- Projects: MyDex, Mine, Switchbook, Azigo, Kynetx, Banyan, etc..
- EmanciPay: For circumstances where there is not already a price, is there a way where we can say "Here is what I would like to pay" ?
- --> Web site owners can put RDFa code on websites that points to where you can be paid
- Mechanism to determine prices on the fly
- Empowers the consumer to say "I want to pay this for that"
- Legal structure in place for VRM?No, but there is a lot of attention, e.g. in Kantara DataSharing group.
- End of phase 1 of e-commerce! (Cookies, absurdly long terms of service, giving all the rights to the seller).
- Can we have a casual relationship with vendors online? Like simply walking into a shoe store, without having to become a member etc.
- European privacy laws more friendly than American ones
- Foursquare TOS: If we're sold, your data will be one of our assets and also sold.
- William explains situation in UK: Issues around ID-Cards, centralized health records, data theft.
- UK government interested to move towards something like VRM. Times are right to propose a working community prototype where government agencies act as relying parties.
- Iain gives example: "Tell us once" program by government. Works, but is run by a government site, not in a user centric way.
- 2 important trends for VRM:
- self tracking
- personal informatics
- Powers are becoming more equal, abilities are increasing.
- Need code to move forward.
- Need for figuring out the legal side.
- VRM = extra money for sellers. potential additional customers that want to pay on their own terms.