Using the Relationship Layer to Create Trusted Age Credentials
From IIW
Convener: Kevin Trilli – Assert ID
Technology Discussed/Considered:
Converting a social network profile into a trusted identity/age credential by combining peer verification with social network analysis
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
- The proposal discussed how certain social network profiles can be converted to higher assurance identity credentials by leveraging the social graph as a peer verification method (“web of trust”.) However to enable universal applicability, the method is needed to quantify, in a standardized fashion, how trustworthy a credential is to a relying party. An algorithmic approach was proposed to score each asserted and verified attribute.
- Feedback included concern of mass collusion by kids all faking their ages, the purely online nature of the process, and direct involvement of ? consumers. (NOTE: the first two points are considered by the algorithm of the current approach)
- Other comments acknowledged it useful as a broad approach to creating verified identities where incentives to lie are not so high universally.
- Other suggestions included looking into easier attributes to verify initially that could provide a filter for the initial constituents & a foundation for specific attributes like age.
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