UX of SSI Proposed Topics

From IIW

Register for User Experience of SSI here: https://iiwspecialtopic-ux-ssi.eventbrite.com

What are the critical questions about UX and SSI you are hoping to discuss with peers at this event?

  • What is the roadmap from here to full adoption. How will UX play a part in this? What are going to be the most critical challenges.
  • What does an SSI interaction look like and where does it manifest.How do we reduce the considerable complexity.
  • Which identity conversations shall we design for humans interacting with smart things? Badge systems, streetcams, robots, cars, medical beds. What is needed for humans to have trust in those systems? And how do we manage the overload as identity data becomes complex and overwhelming? Are there metaphors besides OAuth and crypto wallets?
  • What will SSI user journeys look like and how can they be better than today's journeys around mainstream digital identity?
  • Onboarding flows, profile sharing use cases and workflows
  • What makes good UX in SSI? I am looking for particular resources or sets of design principles that have been helpful for people thinking through specific use cases.
  • Is it possible to build extensible white label open source UI components for issuing and verifying credentials that is maximally useful for many different use cases?
  • Is it possible to make conscious design decisions that enable the tool to be easily changed or repurposed by the organization adopting it?
  • Designing for non-technical languages / Designing in other languages
  • How much should surfacing SSI be a focus of UX? Users want the functionality of SSI - but what % will see a real value prop just around SSI?
  • How to educate the user about the impact of SSI on their privacy. How to educate the user on how to share credentials and to navigate unfamiliar design patterns. Is it possible to transfer credentials between wallets?
  • I'm new to SSI and my colleague is asking me to join to learn more about the space

What topics are you thinking about presenting about and discussing at this event?

  • Our Teacher Wallet web and mobile interfaces...how to manage both machine and human readable credentials. Who really wants what?
  • How can we fund collective user testing? What Human-IoT conversations are necessary for trust, and how do we assure SSI delivers?
  • Applying HCI design principles to SSI interaction. Recognising and overcoming the complexity. Were is the value proposition for SSI?
  • I started following developments in SSI only recently so I don't have anything to contribute. By attending, I'm looking to simply be a passive learner.
  • Open source eKYC systems. How might we create an open source, well-designed, easy-to-understand set of UI components and SDK that helps everyone overcome barriers to addressing challenges around the issuance and verification of credentials? What would it take to get something working well for many different organizations?
  • The pursuit of the “best wallet”: Should we just have one universal wallet that holds all verifiable SSI credentials, or does it make sense to have multiple applications hold different credentials based on what they are used for and how they are used?
  • TMI: How much information is too much information? Depending on use case, is consent always needed, or in some cases do people need a way to automate consent around data sharing based on a set of rules? How might one approach this from a UX perspective to contribute to the literacy and agency of consenting individuals?"
  • No presentation plans. Hoping to discussing the evolution of the space, making the tech approachable, etc.
  • SSI and education. How to create a sharable credential CV wallet.
  • I'm new and will be more in a listen only mode as I'll be learning mode.

What are you hoping to learn about or hear a presentation about at this event?

  • How others are approaching UX.
  • Credential exchange user experience
  • Where we are and where we need to go in identity UX.
  • Other views on SSI now being a wicked design problem......
  • Where we are and where we need to go in identity UX.
  • Some tested design patterns around SS! and VCs
  • What are the various ways that SSI is being used by real people on the ground? What’s working and what isn’t?
  • Real world examples - Case studies - Best practices
  • What makes good UX in SSI? I am looking for particular resources or sets of design principles that have been helpful for people thinking through specific use cases. - Is it possible to build extensible white label open source UI components for issuing and verifying credentials that is maximally useful for many different use cases? Is it possible to make conscious design decisions that enable the tool to be easily changed or repurposed by the organization adopting it?
  • Killer SSI apps, Recruiting SSI product managers and similar for bootstrapped startups
  • Successful use cases. Guidance on user patterns and flows especially onboarding. What are the differences between desktop and mobile SSI experiences.