UMA Legal

From IIW

UMA Legal

Wednesday 5K Convener: Eve Maler

Notes-taker(s): Eve Maler

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

UMA, law, contract, agreement, trust framework, DIACC, consent

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

In the session, we discussed the "BLT sandwich" of UMA (business - legal - technical) and how the technical elements may be relatively simple but the other elements may be complex. The UMA Work Group at the Kantara Initiative has a Legal subgroup that is currently working on developing "model text" -- boilerplate term definitions and legal clauses -- to support the creation of contracts, agreements, "access federation" trust frameworks, and consent receipts related to the deployment of UMA-enabled services.

One area where the technical world of UMA might be simple and the legal world might be more complex is in the area of people (individuals or legal persons) acting on behalf of others. For example, a mother might act as the guardian for very young son in granting access to his health records; she is not the subject of the records, but she is the UMA "resource owner" nonetheless. See the attached slides for a view onto these use cases and solution design patterns.

See these links for more information: