The State of SSI (gathering & sharing lists, stats, big news, etc.)
The State of SSI (gathering & sharing lists, big news, etc)
Tuesday 4E
Convener: Timothy Ruff (DTV)
Notes-taker(s): Sarah Allen
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Acceleration of decision-making because of pandemic
One Example:
Evernym, NHS, UK
- doctor shortage in the UK, doctors need to move to diff facility when there’s a spike in cases, half-day per doctor to provide credentials when going to a new institution
- pilot with 100 doctors last year now accelerated to roll out 10k then target 1m NHS workers
- Manreet Nijjar (Dr. Manny):
Tim has at least 6 others.
Recent work for SalesForce
- Review of VC acceptance by large organisations, academia and standards bodies
- Pointed at this document
Kaliya recommended - as a community resource for sharing information about these ‘lists’ . Doesn’t cover the ledgers or standards
Pam Dingle also working on a list of standards
Learner Wallet - draft spec
DID Methods
Tim shared the link to the spreadsheets for contributions
Reviewed all pages including the consortia, different types of factors to measure & track
Discussion re those who claim to be SSI or Distributed Identity but are not - ‘self-sovereign imposters’
Discussion re imposters will be found out if you can’t leave - customers are learning
SSI Credential for companies who claim to run or sell SSI systems / solutions, verified by known / respected consultancies (e.g., KPMG). Orgs can then use the Credential in marketing.
Could even go “meta”, where companies themselves have SSI wallet containing SSI Certification VC, which can be revoked. (Dogfooding!)
Momentum, Adoption
SSI markets
Listing, cresting a wave