Supporting sovereign insurgencies - secure communities for social change - putting out fires when it is illegal to do so

From IIW

Supporting Sovereign Insurgencies – Secure Communities For Social Change – Putting Out Fires When It Is Illegal To Do So

Wednesday 16B

Convener: Eric Welton

Notes-taker(s): Juan Caballero (Spherity GmbH, Dortmund, Germany)

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered: censorship resistance, communications, encryption, infrastructure, alternative trust frameworks

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

Technology projects that came up in the discussion:

Reference materials

Strategic discussions

  • Reputation systems (without consent) as ultimate state monopoly on violence
    • Holochain’s “warrants” - a red card that boots someone from the network for crimes against the commons
    • Revocable anonymity (coming from fintech/crypto eKYC discussions) - each pseudonym anchored to a liable party held in escrow until crimes are done
  • [Moral] imperative to publish (even if anonymously and on, say, arvix) this work for the common good - it might be urgent in many places to build alternate tech/trust networks
  • Alternative trust frameworks → how does that change the architecture?
    • gossip messaging rather than hierarchical messaging systems
    • credentials for access to subset of messages?
    • skeptical counterpoint: insurgents tend to burn all their notes after reading, why risk infiltration with any extra structure?
    • built-in obsolescence, time-bound messaging…
      • what’s the UX needed for that

Local webs of trust (f/CCI/Sovrin conversations)

  • early

All roads seem to lead back to tradecraft