Separating: Authenticate credential management, attribute management and ID management
Tuesday – Session 4 - I
Convener: Jim Fenton, Cisco Systems Notes-taker(s): Jari Koivisto, Cisco Systems A. Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Identity system, attribute, relying party, identity provider, authentication, assertion
B. Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Short presentation and discussion
Introduction Terminology A basic identity system e-commerce site IdP User
Elements of identity management Authentication (establishing who the Subject is) Credential managemen (prove to relying parties who the Subject is) Attribute management (provide information about the subject)
User trust User trust in their IdP is fundamental An ecosystem of IdP is required
Authentication Authentication methods Methods useful for user authentication are situation-specific Problem: Many existing ID systems are bound tightly to IdP
Authentication Strength Relying party knows how good the authentication should be
Authentication endpoint Security opportunities Users that authenticate frequently at a given service are more likely to detect anomalies IdP providers can detect anomalous user behavior Similar to detection of fraudulent credit card transactions Credential management Credential management: functions Act as a "key cabinet" for the user Support directed ID Enforce secure use of credentials
Directed identity Security and availability issues Security High value target Availability Failure of an ID manager may have severe impact on its Subjects Attribute management Distributed attributes Self-asserted attributes have limited utility Authoritative sources for different attributes come from different places ID system has a role in locating trustable sources of attributes Attributes delivered as signed assertions
Attribute distribution: Example Example of Alice buying wine online Alice Wine merchant IdP DMV or Healthcare provider
Attribute trust Federation: Prearranged trust relationsships Accreditation: indirect federation Financial institutions, schools Identity provider trust IdP has fiduciary responsibility To the Subject: Must use credentials only for the proper Subject To RPs: Must associate attribute request and responses reliably IdP may coincidentally funtion as an attribute provider
Observations Scaling is critical etc.
Discussion: RPs have different views what is identity Identity vs. Identity information Different IdPs give different sets of attributes What is the question that RP needs to ask (over 18/21 vs. birth day) Attributes of the Subject, e.g. Subjects attibute is: Subject is Cisco employee User -> RP -> User -> IdP -> User -> RP Yes User is >18 Discussion about: Is it IdP who user trusts to get the attributes, or should User be the one who makes the decision Discussion about the assertions, e.g. State assertion does not mean that it is necessary better than self assertion. Address as an example. Federated trust frameworks, level of assurance (1, 2, 3, 4)