Self-Sovereign Commerce (VRM, Me2B) Progress Report & TBD’s
Self Sovereign Commerce, VRM / Me2B progress and TBDs
Wednesday 9F
Convener: Doc Searles
Notes-taker(s): Kurt Milne
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Summary - The online commerce universe has been sucked into black hole of surveillance commerce.
1995 netscape - ecommerce - why not take shopping cart from 1 site to another
Project VRM - now in 13th year
Evangelism project - goal to get market moving
Berkman Klein Center - internet and society at Harvard University
Have wiki - top level list of development
573 subscribers
VRM = Vendor Relationship Management
VRM goals, principles, tools
Progress and TBDs - link list
Picos - DiD enabled
PIco labs dot org
Now can do zero knowledge proof with your things
Consumer attitudes changing
- Care about privacy
- Care about self sovereignly - aka “agency"
- Rejecting surveillance capitalism
- Pushing for laws and regulations
Building community
What hasn’t worked:
- Not much analyst attention
- Little investment
- No developer coherence around category label VRM
- No succession plan
Customer commons - knock off Creative Commons
World wide association of customers
Me2B alliance
Me2B - certification mark for consumers to indicate if technology product is a good actor - fairness, fair trade.
Start with code of practice - going to interoperability spec
Goal 10 vendors on board this year
Focus on consumer, not B2B
Various categories
Q: Idea - add to peer review/ end user review sites?
Social contract - ground in universal principles
- Comprehends manners and norms
- Inform with codes of practice
Ad tech - Behavioral based online advertising - soon to be regulated
Wish list:
- Publishers - OK to show advertising if not tracking
- Tent casting - where we choose to be qualified leads we control
- Minimum disclosure for agreed use
- Infra for zero knowledge proofs
- Building up to zero knowledge commerce
- Disrupts surveillance economy
- No single actor has all info - commerce, shipping etc.
- Verifiable credentials
- Zero knowledge credential eco system
- Building up to zero knowledge commerce
Discussion - shift to seller oriented benefits
Not. Business model for Zero Knowledge Commerce
Make more money without tracking
Getting paid for data, and getting better value with better data
Data connectivity wins over data aggregation
Control that data stays in a certain context
Discussion - shift back to consumer protection
Sellers doing something today - that we want them to stop doing
What framework do we need to make those changes
Framing - evolution of problems
Labor laws, food safety laws, privacy laws
Consumer evil create by new technology
Right way to make right sales - more data
Cost of data exceedingly low
Damage capability of correlating data - skyrocketing
Study - Terms of service click through - if restate as “the implications of this agreement are …” agreement rates go down.
Cheap fast toxic relationship
Chem industry- large benefit, but need to control risk and cost
Treat customer data as toxic
Cryptographically provable - ripe for abuse
- Pete's example - collect data on Doc - never use the data to improve service
- Trader Joe’s - strategic choice to not collect and use customer data (? Any)
Getting and retaining you - driven by how fast you would customize
Zero incentive to not do that.