Scoping the Single European Digital Identity Community
Issue/Topic: Scoping the Single European Digital Identity Community
Convener: Dave Birch and Vic Victoriano
Session: 2A
Conference: IIW-Europe October 11, London Complete Notes Page
Notes-taker(s): Dave Birch
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
European government don't even trust each other for mutual identification
European vision should be inclusive (not just for e-government)
Current visions are based on a specific technology (PKI)
There are no payments or liabilities in the current visions
Only 1 out of 17 govts (Germany) currently charge for the use of the ID service
Wider use of govt eID is often restricted by law
We should aim to emulate the physical world or design for the virtual world?
Do European govts want to me database linking easier
Infrastructure should enforce European rights
Private sector has free use of eID infrastructure (eg, Spain)
What is the ID equivalent of the European GSM vision?
What is ID equivalent of "European" Visa/MC?
Europe built GSM on an existing business model
Citizens expect govt to abuse their data
Governments and their policies change
We can only deliver on a European constitutional position
EU vision is a collection of regional and national visions?
Identity is too national for a European vision
Could we at least agree a goal, such as minimizing transaction costs?