SMART OpenID – What Mobile Network Operators Can Contribute to OpenID (5D)

From IIW

Session Topic: Smart OpenID, SIMcard based OpenID; what can Mobile carriers bring to OpenID? (T5D)

Convener: Andreas Leicher

Notes-taker(s): Andreas Leicher

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered: OpenID; SIMcard based OpenID

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

presented a concept which allows Mobile Carriers to be attribute and identity providers by leveraging the security and authentication infrastructure they already have

Mobile carriers have some identity information that they might want to monetize, e.g. verified address etc.

Mobile carriers also have some good and secure authentication system in place, especially with the SIM card.

What if the SIM card can be used not only to authenticate the device and user but be enhanced to host an identity provider instance which allows users to create identity attributes and sets of claims, based on the verified identity information from mobile carriers?

Smart OpenID is about creating an instance of an OpenID identity provider on the SIM card on the mobile device, allowing the user to authenticate towards services and share identity attribute data with services.

The mobile network carrier is not involved in the exchange of this attribute information, so a level of privacy towards the mobile carrier is created.

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