Proposed Topics IIW10
From IIW
What topics are you planning to present about or lead a discussion about at IIW?
- Federated Identity
- Federated Directory Services
- governance & risk allocation in federation
- evolving identity federation
- Distributed Identity Management
- Making decentralized identity work.
- OIX trust frameworks, XDI personal data stores
- Using DNS and ENUM for Identity Management (delegation/management to end-user with federative framework)
- Identity Assurance
- implementing higher levels of assurance
- Where voice biometric-based Authentication might fit with ID mgt.
- Verification of identity using telco-grade data in real time.
- Identity Proofing on the Web
Portability, Privacy, VRM
- Supporting sharing
- Portability Policy and the Legal Layer; Portability effects on Privacy
- privacy aspects.
- Data openness and privacy
- Innovative ideas for the protection of users in identity systems
- Avoiding Treating Digital Identity as Property
- How many identities does a user want?
- How many identities does a user want?
- Faceted identities, Alter-egos, Design, Presentation of Self
- Global Domination
OpenID & OAuth
- OpenID Foundation Plans for 2010
- OpenID RP at Google
- OAuth WRAP 2.0
- Corporate OpenID, OAuth
- OpenID, OAuth, PortableContacts
- OpenID, OAuth
- OpenID, OAuth
- OpenID, OAuth, Identity
- APIs for information about people and companies
- Activity Streams
- Salmon
- XRD provisioning and dashboards, Salmon for reputation networks
- User-Managed Access
- The Open Web stack for The Small Business Web
- Web (in)security
- NASCAR for Sharing (OExchange, XAuth, WebFinger, and a Personal-Discovery Use-Case)
- active clients
- Active Clients
- Identity in the Browser
- identity in the browser, openid connect, activity streams
- service provider contract mgmt & identity
- Other disciplines that inform identity, Identity management services market
- maybe health/med
- The need for accountability, transparency, and open competition in trust frameworks
- E-identity as a two sided market
- Not sure, maybe about online payments
- Financial data sharing, single sign on
- International OpenIdentity Alignment
- Open Researcher & Contributor ID (ORCID)
- vrm for government
- possibly enum, idm @ government, semantics
What are you hoping to learn about or hear a presentation about at IIW?
- evolving identity federation
- How decentralized identity can work.
- current status of distributed identity interaction
- how to implement cross site identity/authentication without confusing the * out of users
- Accountability, transparency, and open competition in trust frameworks
- attribute trust issues
- Mobile commerce, building trust, better user experience
- authentication, pape, oix
- what are reasonable privacy expectations for social networks?
- Interweaving technical and policy promises
- Intersection of Identity and privacy
- User experience, privacy
- privacy, trust, and reputation related to internet identity
Ownership, VRM, Portability
- Who is thinking about Identity, Privacy, and taking control of our Digital Property together?
- Data sharing
- data ownership
- personal data management/exchanges; privacy concerns; single-sign-on options like openID
- consent, context, user expectations
- New techniques in slavery
- Claims management
- how are identity management services being sliced and diced?
- How identity standards and technologies are progressing towards business as well as personal use online
- consumer identity management, business case for idm
- Financial and location identity
- How to structure EID service propositions for 1) persons/entities and 2) relying parties
- Managed Shib Service
OpenID & OAuth
- How mobile application on open id technologies can coexist
- infocards, OAuth, openid, enum
- OpenID v.Next, OpenID/WRAP convergence, AX 1.1/2.0
- Hybrid onboarding
- OAuth futures, next-generation claims-based identity
- openid v_next
- Enterprise adoption of OpenID
- OpenID v.Next, Hybrid Protocols, IDIB
- Latest on OpenID, profile exchange tech, VMS
- Why is OpenID failing in the market vs. Login with Facebook?
- OpenID, personal data stores
- online payments, future of OpenID & OAuth
- How open identity standards, such as OpenID and OAuth, might be married effectively to telco-based solutions
- Adapting OpenID+OAuth for provisioning, licensing, and billing
- UMA, OAuth directions, Activity Streams
- oauth wrap, open graph api, @anywhere
- OAuth 2.0, Openid hybrid, WRAP
- OAuth WRAP, WebFinger, Salmon, XMPP
- conformance; heterogeneity; OAuth vs Mutant OAuth vs XAuth
- User-centric in the enterprise, openID. OAuth 2.0, XAuth/auth, user centric use cases; IDPsof the future
- OAuth, UMA, OpenID, OpenID CX
- Protocol Convergence
- Desktop/heavy clients
- multi-protocol selectors
- The further adventures of Action Cards...
- I want to understand the community that attends IIW.
- Forthcoming solutions for internet identity management
- dial in on state of the art
- Why Identity matters
- Face to face meetup
- contacts and developments
- Cross promotion
- identity
What are the critical questions about user-centric identity you hope to discuss with peers at IIW?
- What makes an identity partner trusted and what can a trusted identity partner do with user behavior data and still maintain trust?
- User understanding of trust characteristics
- trust framework (do we need a 4 party system?), verified claims and contract exchange
- trust and reputation models for identity systems
User behavior
- Just how active users are in managing their info
- What must an IdM do to ensure that users own their own identity?
- How user can claim their own identity?
- How much process can we throw away and still get UCI benefits?
- how do we get regular users to know how to express their identity online?
- How user can claim their own identity
- How to make user-centric identity separate from URL management/ownership
- How can our identity be verified online contextually without giving up control of our Digital Personal Property to third parties?
- profile rights
- Creating user-centric privacy policies
- Managing personas and privacy
- "user experience, privacy, ""social"" implications, semantics, branding, …"
- managing privacy, getting the defaults right
- How will users be able to link to their friends' identities without violating their friends' privacy?
- User centric protocols – how does it all fit together; privacy issues, assurance levels and user centric ID
- What are the scary risks associated with the explosion of personal data available?
- can government 2.0 work without user centric identity?
- What infrastructural support has tobe in place in order to enable gov2.0? (and some more)
- Why is slavery abolished
- international legal implications
- International Open Identity Alignment
OpenID & OAuth
- How will OpenID begin to support strong auth scenarios?
- OpenID discovery, multiauth
- OpenID v.Next
- How to adapt OpenID for business/employment identities
- OAuth, WRAP, OAuth 2.0, and UMA
Other protocols & clients
- Decoupling protocol for interactions and message format: PubSubHubbub
- Such a tiny box! Browser ID support, automatic account management discovery, webfinger, XRDprovisioning, activitystreams...
- Universal Login eXperience
- claims dictionaries, personal data stores
- Developer simplicity
- How to support sharing
- Provisioning
- digital identity and phone identification
Structure, Standardization
- organization structures that promote the adoption of Open Identity
- When is the right point to standardize this stuff?
- Will an open or a defacto standard end up solving the internet identity problem?
- How to use identities for a broad range of services?
- how to explain and sell to the business
- How to survive 2010
- What are you doing to make decentralized identity work?
- Transportability