Proposed Topics IIW-East-1
From IIW
What topics or critical questions do you want to discuss or present/lead a discussion about at IIW DC?
- Government's role as an Identity Oracle (Attribute Provider)
- Extending the Identity Ecosystem with X.509/PKI/CAC
- OpenID
- OpenID user experience improvements
- Personal data stores and XDI and Identity Commons 3.0
- Current comercial industry trends in RESTful IdAM
- Identity as Socio-Economic Infrastructure
- Online identity proofing and strong authentication for citizens and C2G web applications
- online voter/constituent verification
- Applications of identity to and leveraging open identities to foster scientific collaborations
- Privacy
- Identity Assurance
- Strong Authentication of Users
- NSTIC, OpenID evolution, privacy
- Publishing data portability policies
- Identity Subject privacy; rich identity models; choice
- PDS and i-broker interfaces
- Microsoft Identity Management products - ADFS, FIM, etc.
- How to survive in a dwindling economy...
- Online privacy and identity in the Gov 2.0 Age
- Web Authentication
- Trust Frameworks, Legal issues, dynamic legal and market structures to address change in identity systems over time
- Next-get technologies for Web auth/authz
- Governance models for effective identity online
- Interoperability of user-centric (B2C, A2C) with organization-centric (B2B) IDM
What are you hoping to learn about or hear a presentation about at IIW DC?
- XACML Sucks, Lets Do Something Easier
- OAuth
- Identity Commons 3.0
- Performance of distributed authZ systems
- Update on the plan for ICAM / NSTIC to address higher levels of assurance using OpenID, SAML and other identity / auth protocols and technologies
- Expectations for online Identity and the importance of identity verification.
- Trust Frameworks
- Strong Authentication of Users
- government plans, community evolution
- The role of local and regional government in Internet identity distinct from federal, corporate, and international identities
- Tech advances; TFPs; NSTIC;
- Business Models
- Federation within state government
- Gov level web authentication
- What are ALL stakeholders needs (so that we can work to construct consensus driven enforceable duties to address those needs)
- use of open identity to preserve privacy
- "The role of ""identity providers.""
- Identity Proofing and Improvements to Usability
- Evolving ideas around governance
- use cases and business models in federated IDM
What are the critical questions about user-centric identity you hope to discuss with peers at IIW.
- Who should own it and will the public trust it?
- personal data store interoperability
- Patient centric medical federation
- What scale are opportunities being considered on?
- With the rise of attribute services and identity providers online, how will users centrally manage their identities across all of these (proprietary) services?
- What's the next step for the NSTIC ?
- Impilcations of NSTIC
- Interoperable Standards
- how to acheive real privacy and trust
- How to build flexibility and responsiveness into eGov identity programs
- "What is meant by ""identity"" and by whom?"
- How to create a sustainable eco system for identities and services that is fun to use and rewards all parties
- Privacy vs Open Government (espicially in the Criminal Justice community)
- How owns our identity online?
- abount user-centric identity and banking-level authentication.
- Do any of the existing user-centric identity systems satisfy the needs of NSTIC, or do we need something new?
- What roles to large institutions (corporations, govt, other groups) play in gathering, verifying, and utilizing identity information?
- The business case for becoming an IdP, addressing risk and liability, creating an FDIC for identity, educating and training the masses, creating identity notaries for proofing people
- Incentivization
- convergence SAML/OpenID