Proposed Topics 2008a
Participants at the Internet Identity Workshop create their agenda together face to face on the day of the event. This page captures the ideas people have for sessions and topics before the event. This gives people an opportunity to share ideas and create opportunity for collaboration ahead of time.
Identity Metasystem Markup Language -- an idea proposed in June 2007 by George Fletcher of AOL and recently discussed more on the OpenID General mailing list:
There is the potential to do this via a simple convention on the use of [1] documents.
Identity Commons Growing Up
A session about how IC is starting to come into its own as a common meeting ground for the Internet identity layer, and how we can all help it help us.
XRDS Best Practices
A session to discuss best practices for using XRDS documents, including:
- How best to configure OpenID service endpoints for OpenID discovery.
- When to require XRDS Simple.
- When/how to use XRI proxy resolution.
- When/how to use CanonicalIDs.
- How/where to create new service types and associated service endpoints.
XDI RDF By Example
A demonstration of a series of XDI RDF utilities by Markus Sabadello, lead developer of XDI4J (XDI for Java), that show how you can start sending and receiving XDI data feeds today.
XDI Link Contracts
An examination of the simple, portable authorization model at the heart of XDI. See the last sections of XDI RDF Model.
Reputation Services
A session about implementing real-world reputation services such as an OpenID provider reputation service.