Product Roundtable – Bridging tech & business, connect and share challenges and resources

From IIW

Product Roundtable: Bridging Tech & Business Connect And Sahre Challenges & Resources

Thursday 14H

Convener: Margo Johnson & Luke McIntyre

Notes-taker(s): Paul Tinson

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

Product Round Table

The volume of people interested in this session is indicating that the time is right for the product and marketing people to start taking a bigger stake in this technology.

Lead by Luke and Margo


- uniresolver
- Figma - Design Tools
- The noun projects
- whimsical
- iconjar
- product board
- Cascade Strategy

Working Groups

- DID UX (sovrin)
- other

How do we bridge the tech into product realities and start a continuing roundtable forum? Need to bring together the like people into a group like DIF for product and market story.

What are the markets?


Definitions about terms from a market and consumer point so it is useful and understandable.

So consistent industry terms and consistent consumer terms. Does it matter that we may have variation?

Clear adoption story for enterprises is critical.

How to help the customer understand what the value of this is, why should i change from a stack that mostly works.

Show the problem that your existing technology stack cant solve that this technology does.

Have formal ways for product people to collect and share the needs and problems of the customers. Start the customer-centric work.

Customer personas are needed, they will help define the thinking about what segment you are targeting.

What is the driving principle that drives the conversation to even begin?

Pricing Models:

pricing models are useful, and we should not try to re-invent that as well as the tech. That is working well for some people.


mapping cost to business benefit.

Quantify the benefit in terms of something tangible

UX and CX is critical

Avoid vendor lock-in

Working Well:

Using the language of added value, new value props, new business models.

Reducing infrastructure costs and complexity

Ethical monetization of data that enables conversation at scale.

Relating to the customer's domain-specific eco-system helps bring them on board

Who are the buyers:

Cost Savings:

UX ... Design Ecosystem:


- User managed keys
- Spectrum of users
- Simplicity
- Choice
- Understand responsibility/cryptography

Adoption curve and strategy, are there parallels with existing paradigms.

Targeting enterprises and empower them to drive them to their customer bases.

New employee onboarding, vendor onboarding etc

Mental metaphor model

How does consumer protection fit into this model, who is the authority that consumers can tie back to for a sense of certainty?