Personal Data Store Ecosystem Design
Session: Wednesday, Session 1 Space A
Conference: IIW 10 May 17-19, 2009 this is the complete Complete Set of Notes
Convener: Kaliya Hamlin
We saw 8 different potential/existing models presented
(see photos)
We asked people to articulate what they saw in common between these models and what was different.
- User control of information “user data vault” or centralized store of personal information
- Not a technical issue
- Business Case is the Question
- Assumption that individual control and privacy is desirable
- Right to User Activity Digital
- User owns his/her data
- user data vault
- privacy bank
- personal data store (PDS)
- Telco as IdP: Nat’s, Christies’ Pauls, Rolf’s Marc’s
- Dashboard usability?
- Need to reset control thermostat between service providers + users
- User Centric “Identity”
- Personal Data Store Central or Distributed
- Not Common: Different Business models - who pays whom
- Mechanisms to Manage Change
- To Datastore or not to Datastore?
- Value-Chain from User Perspective (where is Gov?)
- How is Money $ Made?
- Best Route to Bootstrap?
- Regulation
- Leverage “right” big elephant
- create the right consortium
- right business model
- Personal Data Stored in a “BANK” or under my mattress (& I can still participate)
- How Many Data Vaults, Exchanges (Competitive?)
- Telcos or New Org?
- Which Data?
- User Value Explain to the average user?
- People Not on the Grid Yet? (Kenyan Farmer) (Identity Place Holder)
- Responsibility of user in understanding what is in the PDS and how it will be used. Is that reasonable?
- Data as “money” to be “exchanged” Except data is more nuanced, which needs to be understood
- If not understood by the user, it invites explanation by the company.
- Different Emphasis on AuthN and Attributes (how do telco’s off to others)
- Role of Regulator?
- Privacy as a Toxic Asset. But How do we Launder it. (Private data store? Say its dead? or not collect?
- PDS = User Data Vault
- Eat their own dogfood?
- New Rolls - Data Broker, Data Lawyer
- Economic Power ($ Euro Yen) (Telco-Webco- Banks) Marketing
- The Network is a free cost less ubiquitous resource (not true)
Store - PDS, UDB, “Vault”
Collecting - implicit - behavioral tracking, GPS, Search
Implicit - VPI, Lists
Sharing - PDX/UDE
Rule Set Store
Control and Contract
open standards
Slows things down
Vault does not equal exchange
Personal Data Store
on phone?
portable? / sharable? templates
Is Data Really Centralized? (not necessarily)