Personal Data Startups Connect and Catalyze – next steps and PDEC StartUp Map (stages, models, patterns)
Session Topic: Personal Data Ecosystem Mapping
Wednesday 2J
Convener: Kaliya Hamlin
Notes-taker(s): Darren Lancaster, mmindd labs, @thecommunityguy
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered: Building the personal data ecosystem map
First approach for the map was segmenting:
Second approach for the map was based on everyone’s thoughts on roles/players that are required for the ecosystem:
The main components of the map:
• Verification
• Info mediary
• Infrastructure
• Group oriented
Questions that arised in creating the map:
• To whom is your fiduciary duty? Who are you responsible to? Acknowledgement that most of us are responsible to the consumer (at least indirectly), but many players (esp. in infrastructure) have a direct responsibility to the data/app/services providers.
Highest volume of players are involved in building personal data stores. A few folks are building something that helps enable groups of people to connect their personal data stores.
Venture funding:
• Personal
• Singly
Others are angel funded.