Personal Cloud Network - RISK THREAT – Counter Measure Models
Session Topic: Personal Cloud Network - RISK THREAT - Counter Measure Models
Thursday 2G
Convener: Dan Blum
Notes-taker(s): John Fontana/Dan Blum
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
The session started out constructing the following matrix. At the end of the session it was partially constructed. As such it is a useful starting point for developers of personal clouds and personal cloud networks, but must be tailored for each individual type of service, as they have considerable variations. Multiple tables are also required as implied under the risk column.
An attendee asked - What aspects of this exercise are the same as for any personal storage or collaboration service, and what are unique to personal clouds?
This led to a discussion of personal cloud assumptions and variations that might affect the risk assessment.
privacy (users at center)
cloud portability if hosted - access from anywhere if not hosted
lifetime accessibility
user controls policy and sharing / security option
Personal cloud + network = centralization
cloud service
de / centralized registry.
common carrier
user or shared control