People’s Digital Identity Life Cycle
People’s Digital Identity Life Cycle
Wednesday 4E Convener: Bill Aal
Notes-taker(s): Tom Leon
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Identity Needs in a Person’s Life Cycle
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Identity Needs in a Person’s Life Cycle
What is the framework for thinking about a person’s lifecycle in the digital identity space
Round-table Questions:
The concept of a lifecycle intrigued participant 1. Are their risks.
Participant: How does it link to an offline identity. Do you have one ubiquitous identity
P3: Meatspace – how does a person have complete control over your own lifecycle
P4: A cradle to career database is being created for users. How do health records follow us. Longitudinal
P5: Book. Digital Immortality. There is a longitudinal aspect that transcends death. Identity and Persona and Reputation
EVENT: Door shattered. (not) Fun, but made for Exciting presentation!
P6: All of the events that are asserted throughout a life and makes the identity. Control and different between a record and conclusions that are drawn.
P7: Ability to carve up events into relevant subjects. You don’t want to have the same view along the lifecycle. What passes along after death. There isn’t a universal answer.
In Healthcare, you can have different diagnosis from different doctors; how does that persist.
P8: Thinks about life. We think a lot about Data, but we need to think about how we handle treat. Governments have perpetual life as sovereign entities. As an individual, we need to be able to reach though space and time – super human – through our data. Life = autocatalytic self perpetuating organisms. Value embodiment is moving to data where our physical being is a vessel. A user lives on in memory AND IRS legislation.
Yiddish has survived because it has been digitized. Languages fail and fade away.
Bill: Difference between identities and identifiers. Identifiers are given by the State, by and Institution, etc. Our lives, however, are not these identifiers.
We need to be able to subdivide our global identity.
PAPER: Identity and identifiers – how are we recognized as a person. What is the context in which issues come up.
- PreBirth – Prenatal Screening, Birth announcements, doctors visits
- Birth: Naming, National Identity, Christening/Bris, Community Recognition/etc. Health
- Adoption:
- School:
- …
There is both an internal and external views of an individuals.
Perhaps there is a gradient of relationships. Concentrations of relationships. There is a developmental piece.
Internal is dependent upon an individual’s memory.
Bill – Moving and threw away his college papers; this was a big part of his personal identity.
In school, you change persona every year. Is there a time where you should have the opportunity to revoke your identity? At age 18, should you be able to expunge your records?
Oregon has a 75 year retention policy about your education records. You could have an avatar of yourself created based on faulty or outdated data.
There are rocks everywhere and can be used to hurt someone, but we don’t get rid of rocks; instead we tell people to not hit each other with data. Should we have a similar view of data – that data’s existence isn’t the problem, but people shouldn’t use data for nefarious purposes.
If you design systems around bad actors, you are destined to fail.
? Is the data accurately portraying the REAL user? A person can change.
What are the life events that happen, and how are they used?
Commons and co-management/ownership of data? Is there a MINE for data?
- Life events:
- Gaming
- Sports
- Arts
- Events/Proms
- Driver’s License
Is HIPAA violation if someone is recorded at a hospital by someone else? Life in the ER where someone in the background was captured.
Publication of Private Affair is a Tort – do you need HIPAA to adjudicate this?
HIPAA is different than Privacy. There is no gradient in HIPAA. How does this affect defamation?
As there are gradients of intrusion, are there gradients of permissions?
There are trust relationships. Dr/Patient privilege that cannot be compelled to disclose for a court. There are ethical codes that say a doctor shouldn’t disclose otherwise.
There is not a data institutional protection.
There needs to be a service layer.
How do we construct an identity with our life events. How do we use the online world to move through life.
Identity is linked to autonomy and decision making over time. We need tools.
Community identity is important; people have their own world views. There are rights and responsibilities with this from a data perspective as it crafts a person’s identity.
What uses to people put their identity to?
Persona is a part of an identity. There is a totality of ME via data, but there are slices that are shared or given.
Concern about what you have shared voluntarily that is then used elsewhere?
There is a social construction of our identity. There is HOW we show up in places online.
How do I show up online and in person with different personas at different points in time.
There is a tension between identity from a personal AND state issued identity.
There is a research framework that is being worked: what would be a good way to connect on an ontological level.
Time/Space are relevant in the matrix. There are vectors of change. Difference between data and information. Data+Meaning=Information
You don’t mind for your banking to get some data, but that same data is bad if gotten by a hacker.
Social interaction involved expression and perception. If you can firm this up, you can provide metrics that allow people to have a framework. Measure expectation against performance in a channel.
Information is a novel construct. Is there a measurement of novelty that can be marketed.
Folks who are work for large companies, are there these conversations in the worlds that we inhabit?
Should I only be allowed to have a single identity? How much control should I have over what is released and what is private. At what point is something MINE, versus part of the community?
Add Military Service as a life event. When you are in and out of the military, what do you have access to?
Think special Ops military and the information that needs to be extended to their extended family.