PDPR (Personal Data Protection Regime) – A discussion on Digital Street Smarts & IDRC What are the foundational rights of an individual= Independence Respect Dignity Consent
Personal Data Protection Regimen (PDRP): A Discussion on Digital Streetsmarts – Share Your Streetsmarts! + IDRC: What Are The Foundational Rights Of An Individual: Independence, Respect, Dignity, Consent (IDRC)
Thursday 14D
Convener: Jeff Orgel & Johnathan McHugh
Notes-taker(s): Jeff Orgel & Johnathan McHugh
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
1. Notes received from Jeff Orgel (for PDRP):
Personal Data Protection Regimen (PDPR) is a Real-IT ® thought model. The PDPR model is designed to elicit consideration of what best practice Real-World behaviors we may use in our daily physical lives and how they may, or may not, apply to the Digital Landscape. This exercise helps to springboard thinking as to how these best practices may be functional in both realms, Real-World & Digital Landscape (RW & DL). This also points to the aspects of identity and behavior management that may require unique decisions and actions on the Digital Landscape, and the similar/differential alignments with Real-World.
The idea of a Personal Data Protection Regimen (PDPR) is to help clarify which aspects of our presence in the digital space can be affected by awareness, usually informed by values related to similar Real-World circumstances. We may then focus on executing our intentions as to how we “touch” and “shape” our entrée to, passage through and departure from, the Digital Landscape.
In general, when we operate on the Digital Landscape, we are usually well served to use much the same Real-World thought / action models.
Real-IT ® is the relationship we choose to have, or NOT have, with Information Technologies (IT). Our Real-IT reflects into our Reality.
Real-IT Premise #1 – Treat Digital Landscape Like the Real World*
- exception examples – compensations for the handicapped:
gravity free: physically disabled being able to run & play with other children as Avatars in social/game spaces
interpersonal communication: deaf/mute being able to communicate on same level via text, chat, etc.
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2. Notes received from Johnathan McHugh (for IDRC):
A discussion on the expectations for individual relationships in both the physical and digital worlds.
- In the Physical World it might be termed IDRC or:
- Principles
- Independence
- Dignity
- Respect
- Consent
- Facets
- Privacy
- Consent
- Reputation
- Principles
- In the Digital World it might be PDPR or Personal Data Protection Regime
- In the Privacy maybe
- Privacy by Design
- In Consent, well we haven't found a good model for that
- In Reputation examples could be:
- PageRank
- Amazon Customer Reviews
- In the Privacy maybe
- And then we went off on a couple of tangents about privacy and security that