PDEC (Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium) Legal Advisory Board (W1A)
From IIW
Session Topic:PDEC Legal Advisory Board (W1A)
Convener: Mary Hodder, Judi Clark
Notes-taker(s): Markus Sabadello
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
PDEC's mission:
There are different efforts + projects. As a consequence, there are also different local perspectives.
PDEC's desire is not to build any concrete things (trust frameworks, technology, etc), but:
- to coordinate existing efforts, and help finding each other
- to follow, track and educate about existing efforts and different views
- to facilitate dialogue between the actors
- to support new startups/initiatives to realize the vision
- to bring together sociologists, technologists, lawyers, etc. working on personal data
- to include people who are new to the circle but doing related work
Some concrete topics during the session:
- multi-jurisdiction issues
- multi-disciplinary groups with interdisciplinary focus
- defining the new business layer (not just legal layer)
- common elements of a trust framework
- technologists (want to push things forward?) + lawyers (want to push things back?) need to work together!
- how do we represent individuals?
- legal practice becomes law
- role of regulation (managing risk)
- look at existing regulator models for telecom + postal interop
- what is institutionally required for certain services + systems
- what can individuals do? where are groups + capital required and where are they not required?
- relationsip of IdPs to each other and to nation-states who set policies
Kaliya presented the "Personal Data Ecosystem Landscape" diagram explaining the conceptual relationships between different parties in the PDE.