OAuth for Single-Page Apps (javascript apps) Best Practices Recommendations
From IIW
OAuth for Single-Page Apps (javascript apps): Best Practices Recommendations
Day/Session:Wednesday 2I
Convener:Aaron Parecki
Notes-taker(s): Tom Brown
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
- Problems with Oauth implicit flow. We can do better
- BCP – best practices (get a number filled by a series of RFCs that can change over time. As close as IETF gets to a living document
- Not trying to break spec
- Nothing necessarily wrong with fragment but returning access token in front channel is susceptible to interception and replay attacks
- also, we have browser history api now so don't need fragment
- with JS, not client authentication
- Justin R.: no way to confirm access token is the one I requested
- AS has no assurance that code was sent to the right place
- Authorization code by itself is better than implicit. If you add PKCE, then you solve stolen code
- Justin R.: Many implementation don't do CORS because they haven't thought of it
- Torsten: Nonce not defined in OAuth 2 spec and went with PKCE
- Registering urls, not allowing wildcards needed for JS since no client authentication
- What is a JS app? (electron is a native app written in JS):
- App running in a browser
- Not JS in native wrapper
- Code running in user agent delivered from a domain
- “token agent pattern” noted but seems out of scope
- In case of first party app, it sometimes doesn't make sense for user to leave the page (maybe there are no 3rd party apps)
- Anabelle: Popups are a pain
- If user doesn't leave page, there are losses: no single sign-on, you can't do FIDO, no 3rd party IdPs