Notes 2008a
From IIW
- Creating an InfoCard IdP in 30min Daniel Sanders
- Tracking stuff I've Done Killer OpenID app?, Dick
- Newbie Nexus Chris
- Open Social Making the Web More Socail, Kevin Marks
- OpenID Bootstrapping ID-WSF 2.0
- Verified Claims From Here to Reality - Bob Morgan, UW
- Community Video Chris
- OSIS Meeting
- User-Driven Search Joe A.
- XRDS Best Practices David Clark
- OpenSocial RESTful APIs
- Large OPs and RPs Shreyas, Y!
- Relationships Bob Blakley
- InfoCard Capabilities Pam Dingle
- SocialNet Profiles as Trusted Sources
- Why OpenID matters to the Enterprise Pete Metralus and Ed Amemiya
- Higgins R-Cards Markus S.
- Digital Deal Johannes
- Project Concordia Eve Maler
- Venn Sweetspot Alexis Bor
- Role of Data Silos Mike Carc
- OSIS Meeting
- Identity Beyond the Web Harlan Iverson
- Partitioning the Space Johannes Ernst
- Portable Contacts
- Enterprise Identity RoadMap Marty Schleiff
- Reputation
- CardSpace and Fedlets and SAML Pat Pattersion
- Buttons Consistent UX
- ID Futures Kaliya
- Friend Connect Kevin Marks
- Paradoxes of Identity Management Everything you know is wrong, Brad Templeton
- High Value, High Assurance Certification of OP's Brett McDowell
- XRDS - Simple + OAuth Discovery Eran
- You can get a degree for this? Bryant Cutler and Devlin Daley present their research
- Legal IIW Kaliya and Bob Blakley
- ID Commons Infrastructure Kaliya and Mary Rudy
- ORMS TC Open Reputation Nat
- Identity Alternatives Alec Muffett, Adriana Lukas
- Wireless Access using an IdP
- Redundant Identifier Set Dick
- User-Driven vs User-Centric Adrian Lukas, Alec Mffett
- Reverse OpenID Kyle Brady
- OpenID Questions Answered David Recordon
- IDCommons Whole and Parts
- iPage Demo Andy Dale
- OpenID & SAML Jeff Hodges
- FOAF SSL Proposal for Simple distributed single sign on protocol in a web of trust - semantic web, linked data. Henry Story.
- Schema's in XDI ATI Andy Dale
- CallVeifID 2nd Facto rfor My OpenID Technology and Design Decision
- Identity Rights Agreements Conceptual
- Social Web Ecosystems Jospeh Smarr
- Reputation and Trust for OpenID Nat
- OAuth & Liberty Hubert, Peter Davis, Paul Madsen
- Portable Contacts API Joseph Smarr
- Demand OpenID Brian Ellin
- Personal Address Manager Joe Andrieu
- Making Sense of the Announcements Kaliya
- What to do on an OAuth Permission page Shreyas, Y!
- Giving My Media an Identity Max Englel
- Identifier Revocation or "Help, I've lost my OpenID Domain!" Anthony Eden
- VRM Steering Committee Joe Andrieu
- Persona Management
- IdP/OP with Strong Authentication Anthony Eden, Jon Callas