Monday 08b

From IIW

Our Monday program begins at 1pm.

Overview - Johannes Ernst. Slides are here.

OpenID - David Recordon + others

SAML+Liberty - (Peter Davis or) Paul Madsen

Information Cards - Charles Andres

Open Stack - Joseph Smarr

Dp chart - Daniela Barbosa

A brief update from VRM by Doc


Announcement time 1 min each for several different company things. be in touch with Kaliya if you would like to announce something during this time.

Group Conversation all together in small groups around the question

"How do we get to the Big Bang of Identity?"

We will Harvest answers and map answers.

Identity Commons - Identity Commons

Closing about 5:30

Dinner at the Tied House 7pm.

Post dinner socializing is in the Hi-Fi Lounge of the Avante Hotel