Mental Models of Identity
Mental Models of Identity
Wednesday 4I
Convener: Joe Andrieu
Notes-taker(s): Matthew Schutte
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion, action items, next steps:
SECURITY - focused on bodies. Reducing to a singularity Freedom From. I want to feel secure. Space-time travel data
LIBERTY - about how I engage with society, how I am tracked etc. Should not be reduced to my physicality. Privacy is about contextual integrity. Liberty is about multiplicity. “I am a different Joe to different people because I reveal different pieces of information. Pseudonym / Alias / Persona. Freedom From. Gay Joe.
DATA - This is about specificity. Example: ISO defined. Your identity is a set of attributes related to you. The engineer saying “look, I got to build the system. Just tell me what goes in the database.”
Bundle of attributes. Point in time.
COMPLEXITY - emergence. Identity emerges as a result of interactions. Association. Complex Adaptive System. Ever changing. Time Happens (continuum / endpoints / continuous). Drunk John. Group. Context (spiritual / cultural). Organisms, including social organisms:
- sense
- interpret
- decide
- prioritize
- act
Others Looking IN: Security / Data
Reductive / Define: Security / Data
Self Looking OUT: Liberty
Relationship (both): Complexity
Elements of: Data
Values: Liberty / Complexity
Identifier: Security / Data? (Identifier as observer)
Identified: Security / Liberty
Verified Anonymous: Security / Data