M.E.S.H. Managed Ecosystem Superdistributed Hashes
M.E.S.H. (Managed Ecosytem Superdistrubted Hashes)
Day/Session:Wednesday 3H
Convener:Alexandra Mikityuk, John Calian, Dirk Thatmann, Alexander Manecke
Notes-taker(s): John Calian
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Hosted by Deutsche Telekom Labs:
- Alexandra Mikityuk
- John Calian
- Dirk Thatmann
- Alexander Manecke
Six (6) attendees
Demo’d the MESH system, known as ‘Hashståx’
This system allows any software developer to instantly start using the features of numerous blockchain/DLT networks, including payments, storage, identity and smart contracts
Of the features of blockchain that are important for Telco, its Identity that is most important. Billions of devices (IoT) will be joining networks in the coming years, and machine identity is the critical piece for network security
Additionally, human identity is a path all enterprises concern themselves with
Are the APIs network specific?
No, they are unified for all networks, like the storage API can call IOTA
Is it open source?
Will be
When open source?
Dont know. Maybe end of 2019?
Basically this system creates bundles of pre made nodes for blockchains?
Why have an abstraction layer like this? Do you really see system needing more than one blockchain?
Yes, because system design might require both permissioned and permissionless access
What about key storage?
We work on it
How do we solve the ecosystem issues? DID protocol? Wallet Protocol?
All of these are needed to be standardized
Separate session needed