Lost Identity – Post Disaster Recovery (Nor Cal Fire, Puerto Rico)
Lost Identity – Post Disaster Recovery (Nor Cal Fire, Puerto Rico)
Thursday 1C
Convener: Mei Lin Fung
Notes-taker(s): John Philpin, Louis Rawlins, Mei Lin Fung
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
- PostDisasterIDRecovery
- FinancialID
- HealthID
- EducationID
- NOTFirstResponders
- WildFireRelief
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Mei Lin Setup
- There is a great need to be able to verify individual identity while simultaneously safeguarding personal information. Recent events that highlight this problem include the Equifax data breach; the recent series of hurricanes in the Atlantic; and, closer to home, the wildfires in California.
- To make matters worse, Californian’s are at the top of the list in the US as most likely to experience Identify Theft according to a recent Wallethub report: https://wallethub.com/edu/states-where-identity-theft-and-fraud-are-worst/17549/#main-findings.
- These situations have the potential to leave people without valid ID and with no access to their medications & medication lists for extended periods of time.
- We are Individuals, Communities and Organizations that are networking together to promote change using technology as an enabler.
- Call to action
- If you are ready to help at this frontier where tech and reality meet, we can use your help. Please provide your information by following the link below and completing the on-line form and we will take it from there. https://beyondbridges.net/tvn/
- Thank you in advance for your support!
Overview of Session : JP
- A short rapid fire general discussion that included input from all
- Focus was to achieve a broad consensus to approach that had already been kicked off outside of IIW
- Photos of whiteboards and attendees can be found here :
- (it is a zip file – and potentially not helpful to the passing reader. Data will be extracted and summarized in a form more readily consumable and circulated to everyone we have an email for.)
- Anyone can
- register their interest at www.beyondbridges.net/tvn or
- email john@people-first.net
- Note – the Beyond Bridges page will disappear once our dedicated web site is AVAILABLE. At that point, the page at Beyond Bridges will be redirected to the full site.
- We agreed that this was an initiative that should work to deliver immediate impact both here in California – in relation to the Wine Country Wild Fires and Puerto Rico.
- Simultaneously preparing ourselves to solve real problems now – but laying a foundation for an approach when the next disaster occurs.
- The Main Topic Silos Identified were …
- Bio Metric
- Safety
- Social
- Commercial
- Cross Silo Activities
- Integration
- Recovery
- We identified people who are interested in / can contribute to each of those areas which we will document separately.
- As we moved forward, we will seek to deliver a transition plan that we can utilize to better prepare for the future.
First Pass Notes Details – MANY THANKS TO LOUIS FOR THE FOLLOWING … (red Highlights below are specific people actions – this will grow in final documentation)
- NorCal Fire - Recovery of Artifacts
- Facilitators
- ============
- Mei Lin Fung - mlf@alum.mit.edu - peoplecentered.net
- John Philpin - people-first.net
- Joe Andrew
- Participants
- ============
- Joyca
- John
- Carlton
- Sharon
- Rick
- Lubna
- Adrian
- Lara
- Julian
- Peter
- Joe
- Anne
- Louis
- Matthew
- Lily Bragg
- Brian
- Jeff
- Trey
- Jonny
- Ideas
- =====
- Functional Identity
- Web of Trust --> Preponderance of Evidence
- Patterns --> Ecosystem Map
- Fraud
- Priorities
- - health
- - education
- - finance
- Medical ID
- Insurance
- Post Office Mail Forwarding
- Education
- Phone
- Security Questions / Triangulation
- - Cell Phone
- - Fingerprints
- - Birth Place / Data
- - Ancestry / Community / Family
- - Social Media
- - Service Providers
- Recovery of Identity --> Reestablishment of Correlation
- Biometric | Safety / Health | Social Ties | Commercial Ties | Security | Integration | Recovery
- Transition from each category to "demonstrate who I am"
- Biometric
- - Photo
- - Magic Crypto
- Safety / Health
- - DMV
- - Poor
- - Very Poor
- - Vulnerable
- Social Ties
- - Churches
- - Premises
- - Occupation
- - Professional Associations
- - Community Library
- Commercial Ties
- - FEMA Card
- - Purchase History
- - Public Utilities
- - Carriers (Phone, Cable)
- - Banks
- Security
- - Methods to:
- - Dispute
- - Appeal
- - Revoke
- - Claim
- - Permission
- - Withdraw
- - Alert
- - Delegate
- - Who is representing?
- - Pretending
- Integration
- - Cross-Siloes
- - Legal Q & A for Legit / Illegitimate Claims
- - Composite View
- - Preponderance of Evidence (Jeff Arresty)
- Recovery
- - Wallet - Physical (Adrian Gropper)
- - Voice
- - Wault - Phone
- Transition
- - Education (Joe Andrieu)
- - Citizens
- - Organizations
- - Private Sector
- - Verifiable Claims (Matt Schutte)
- - Connect Siloes (Matt Schutte)
- - Expert Vetting of Solutions for Safety and Security
- - Guardians of Identity (High-Trust Individuals)
- - Recover Capability
Next Steps
John Philpin will circulate all notes, original images and conclusions to all attendees on the day that we already have emails for, plus others that we have already talked to and worked with on the same topic.
If you want to be included on this circulation – please email john@people-first.net
Images can be found here (link included in doc)