Lets Bring Blogging Back!!! :) Lets discuss a collective community strategy

From IIW

Let’s Bring Blogging Back!! Let’s Discuss A Collective Community Strategy

Thursday 22D

Convener: Kaliya Young

Notes-taker(s): Scott Mace

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

When this community formed in 2004-2005, Doc went around and encouraged everyone to start their own blog. Made a significant difference in several ways. Brought the conversations on our mailing lists out in the public. Who goes and finds mailing list archives. New people joined our community as a result. And people were heard on their blog so they were projecting less into mailing lists, quality shifted on the MLs. Was a rich vibrant community. 15 years later, would love to explore what we could do to bring blogging back. Actively reading each other’s blogs. Do you have a blog?

Johannes Ernst: I was one of those people 15 years ago. Was rather unusual in the sense that people were blogging both personally but also from a corporate perspective. Not only broadcasting but engaging with backlinks and comments. The entire community innovated better. Not knee-jerk social media reactions or flame wars on mailing lists. It would go back and forth. Kim Cameron went out of his way to link to companies much much smaller than his, like mine for example. Not just marketing speak. I currently run several blogs. In the Indyweb world, they resurrected the idea of a webring. Maybe we could do something similar here.

Scott: Blogging is worthwhile. I’m a writer and really need to find paying work. But this is an important community.

Dee Platero: I was thinking about writing a blog. Want to share with people who aren’t technologically inclined. And I’m a new person to this space. Ideas I could contribute.

Eric Welton: I don’t produce a blog, but I consume blogs. Here to see it. Something has changed in the internet as we’ve gone from a pretty tight community, the web, there was a lot of great community and coordination. So much stuff that isn’t worth reading. Production of quality content needs to come back in communities like this. Want to prote and see how that develops.

infominer; I’m a curator. I care about finding. A lot of junk out there. It’s coming down from the top too. Have to be really diligent to find good sources.

Geovant Federecheski: I do have a blog I write twice a year mostly in Portguese. Thinking about writing about SSI more in Portuguese. It’s going to be interesting.

Karyl Fowler: I have a blog but almost everything on it has to do with the company I co-founded, Transmute. Enterprise supply chains. Kaliya in reading her blog, talked about writing more passionately and personally. One post like that got way more traction.

Bruce Caron: It would be great to find new communities of bloggers. Syndicated feeds disappeared. Google stopped doing their feeds. Now it just adds to email. Great to have utilities to help you find the blogs. Used to be blogs with 5 links I discovered this week, would like to see more of those back again

Estee Solomon Gray: Pulled my writing energy into a book. I and others are being called to blog again. I’m inputting and I’m doing nothing with it. I love the idea of this community interconnecting. What the F is going to come out of this? How will each of us put the world in the right direction, has become the big question.

Kaliya: Maybe 2 levels to this conversation. Us, and the wider world.

Estee: It shouldn’t have been surprising the IIW thing is exactly the people who I want to be stepping into the conversation about what we’re making here.

Karen Advocate: Just started blogging first part of March when COVID hit Seattle. You put yourself out there and find people you wouldn’t have found. We’re in a climate change crisis beyond crisis. We have to do a huge reset. To me the COVID crisis is giving us that time. We need a different world. Nobody had to hop on an airplane to do it. I think it’s pretty awesome. But what I don’t know, I’ve heard of Medium and other things, I don’t know what reaches to the people we need to be connecting to that are getting so much information, particularly off of Facebook.

Josh Verberg: I don’t write a tech blog. Focuses on local government. I come from a very large corporation. How can we be better about communicating what we’ve experimented with, and be better stewards of information, and be a better neighbor. Looking to see how I can contribute.

Tom Brown: With Weather.com. Posting notes on IIW on my blog. Participate in IndyWeb, IndyWeb reader is like the old Google reader, interactive.

Shannon Casey: I’m just here for inspiration to start blogging.

Kaliya: If we were to report out at the end of the day, what would we invite the community to do to get more blogging out of the community?

Karyl: A perpetual tag. More naturally aggregate what everyone is outputting?

Kaliya: Yes.

Johannes: Ways to keep in touch with people I learn about here.

Josh: What is the scope of the community?

Kaliya: IIW and SSI community rather than bigger identity.

Infominer: Original Planet Identity feed, software, we could make a feed for everybody, so there is one place we can go.

Q: Slack?

Kaliya: Costs a lot of money. Maybe pull in RSS feeds to the IIW Slack?

Bruce: First people who looked at Slack said you’re adding extra features we don’t need on a service we don’t use. Slack didn’t care.

Q: Has IIW had anything other than the archives?

Kaliya: We’re kind of the anti-brand. To me this wasn’t an IIW branded thing, more like can we get a group of people inspired to blog more in part for each other. Superpat ran Planet Identity. Isn’t up anymore. Infominer has been playing with that same family of software.

Karyl: I’m happy to help.

Q: Who is the audience for the blogging?

Karen: If it’s just the techhies, do it. Ordinary people, you’ve got to meet them where they are.

Scott: Have we used Twitter lists?

Kaliya: And we’ve had Twitter lists for all the IIWs except maybe 29. So how do we use Twitter, and maybe LinkedIn.

infominer: Using Twitter lists. We have the technology, pull that back into RSS and there is a way, one app called Huginn that allows you to watch certain things, you can watch your Twitter list, filter it so that you get a custom feed from that.

Scott: That sounds interesting.

Bill Wendel: I first used Qiqo four years ago. Are we trying to build a thriving P2P identity community after this week?

Kaliya: This is a great segue.

Bill: I have had a blog since 2005, done about 850 posts in a vertical. I am a vertical expert trying to translate identity into real estate. In Qiqo I do events around real estate issues. If you want to get beyond our own community, you have to position yourselves as problem solvers for the world. COVID shows the firepower in this community.

Kaliya: Yes. I think I called this session in part because we as a community have not been conherent to go out in a wider world. More active blogging can grow that.

Geovane: Consistency?

Kaliya: Even if it’s a short thing, 1 blog post each week from each person would be powerful.

Bill: This is where i would say, if I knew there was a stream of comments, I would look half a dozen times a day at comments from the sessions. Tim Ruff’s frustration is palpable. Potency in the community to solve problems. How do we solve problems and build revenue?

Kaliya: Maybe we need to do some community clearing. The nerves are part of the problem. We have a culture that doesn’t feel comfortable with conflict. This community resolves conflicts. But if we’re committee to open standards and interop…[walk the talk]. Is the product consistent with open standards or not? I don’t want to have a public blog fight about this either. Lots of companies who are posers, using SSI language, not adopting any of the open standards. So how are we socially policing ourselves.

Bill: We need nonviolent conflict resolution strategies.

Kaliya: If we were to use qiqo on an ongoing way, how would we use it?

Bill: Events I hosted 3 years ago. Was delighted to find out IIW was using it, to see the improvements made. It’s really continuing the continuity between events. You owe it to the platform and the richness of the experience to try that. It does send out a weekly update of conversations you’re following.

Kaliya: Can everyone put your blog in the chat?

Estee: Carol can you go back to your original concept? Intersection between you as company and you as person.

Karyl: I came to this space from genetic data space, very much my identity. I didn’t blog until Medium. I posted one personal post, it has the most viewership in my blog. Developing a human brand online when we can’t meet with each other somehow serves a purpose. Beyond being Transmute founder.

Estee: For me, this COVID time, people have been delighting seeing MSNBC hosts in their homes. The private/public, all this stuff has been, it makes sense to do it as both, multiple?

Kaliya: The people’s blog centered on their professional life, but included little bits of their life that were personal that were relevant. Millennials don’t blog. They do other things we don’t.

Estee: We’ve been alert to surveillance issues way longer than others. I can’t see any way to live through the next two years without doing contact tracing.

Kaliya: It’s almost like we need a verifiable credential to prove you were at IIW. Work with Lucas on how his platform could adopt identity tech stuff. Estee: Important to take something out of this idea here.

Kaliya; Inviting people to commit to blogging at least once in the next month. Use qiqo in an ongoing way. Language translation. Mentoring. Starting a Slack blog pod.

Zoom Chat notes follow:

15:40:44 From Johannes Ernst (Indie Computing) : Main blogs: http://reb00ted.org/ , http://upon2020.com/

15:41:50 From Kaliya Identity Woman : The question is … who are you…your blog if you have one :) and then why you came to this session....

15:43:00 From Bruce Caron : Here’s my main blog: http://cybersocialstructure.org/

15:43:20 From Karen Advocate : Since COVID-19 began, with the encouragement and help of Kaliya, I started blogging for the first time: www.letshaveaplan.blog

15:43:24 From Karen Advocate : Goal is to harness this public health crisis and help us transition to new resilient, sustainable and just economy/society.

15:44:32 From Geovane Fedrecheski : I write about twice a year here: https://geonnave.com/posts/identidade-auto-soberana/ mostly in Portuguese though

15:46:01 From Tom Brown : herestomwiththeweather.com

15:46:44 From Bill Wendel1 : Just joined: Is blogging discussion about Digital Identity specifically, or collaborative blogging in general?

15:47:20 From Josh Verbarg (State Farm) : Feedly

15:47:29 From Karen Advocate : The later. Picking up from 2004 when Doc Searles suggested we all blog and read each others' work and collaborate.

15:47:33 From Kaliya Identity Woman : It is about - seeing if we can get the community around identity to start blogging more - connecting to each other.

15:48:22 From Johannes Ernst (Indie Computing) : Note: there are many Google Reader replacements available … from hosted services to open-source software for self-hosting like Selfoss or Nextcloud News.

15:48:34 From Bruce Caron : Book to blog!

15:48:51 From Infominer : or maybe we could host a reader fitted with ID blogs\feeds, where the community could curate feeds in some collaborative fashion? (wink wink)

15:49:57 From Karyl Fowler : +1^I like this idea

15:53:01 From Johannes Ernst (Indie Computing) : There used to be Planet Identity …

15:53:13 From Kaliya Identity Woman : INfominer this is your cue….

15:53:50 From Bruce Caron : currently happening: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/reset-everything-a-virtual-conference-about-our-changing-world-tickets-102077833548?utm_source=eventbrite&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=reminder_attendees_event_starting_email&utm_term=eventname&ref=eemaileventremind

15:54:17 From Karen Advocate : It is going to be a very different world....and we either shape it or it will be done to us. Since COVID-19 began, with the encouragement and help of Kaliya, I started blogging for the first time: www.letshaveaplan.blog Goal is to harness this public health crisis and help us transition to new resilient, sustainable and just economy/society.

16:00:06 From Tom Brown : blog rolls

16:00:54 From scottmace to shancasey(Privately) : I sent you a message with my contact info - should be in the email associated with your IIW login.

16:01:22 From Karen Advocate : Hastag #IIW Feels a bit exclusionary if trying to engage beyond 350 - IIW folks.

16:03:49 From Eric Welton (Korsimoro)  : gotta chg space - very much looking forward to reading what you all write! happy iiw all.

16:04:57 From Johannes Ernst (Indie Computing) : I got to run an errand … not sure when I’ll be back. Stay safe and connected in the meantime!

16:07:09 From Infominer : http://github.com/infominer33/pluto-planet-demo

16:07:52 From Bruce Caron : Didn’t Slack start as a custom client for RSS feeds?

16:08:23 From Infominer : http://rss.infominer.id/i/

16:08:47 From Infominer : ^^^ demo of a hosted reader

16:12:30 From Karen Advocate : Can I ask who is the audience for the blogging?

16:16:36 From Bill Wendel1 : Kaliya, Think i heard you mention QiQo earlier. Is one of your goals to develop QiQoChat as a thriving peer to peer for the identity community after this week? Ive used it sparingly over the past 4 years, and know that it’s go a Q&A function built into it. If those Q’s linked to the sessions we’ve attended, I think that might build a following and continuity between semi-annual events.

16:19:33 From Infominer : ooooo

16:19:39 From Bruce Caron : OOPS… it was an IRC client (not RSS). my bad.

16:20:42 From Infominer : thx for clarification, bruce. now my curiosity is piqued

16:29:30 From Karyl Fowler : karylfowler

16:29:30 From Bill Wendel1 : Karen, see http://realestatecafe.com/blog

16:29:35 From Karyl Fowler : http://medium.com/@karylfowler

16:29:47 From Tom Brown : herestomwiththeweather.com

16:29:59 From Karen Advocate : Started tweeting after Occupy Wall Street: @_KarenAnna Started blogging after first US COVID-19 out break: www.letshaveaplan.blog COVID-19 provides the disruption opportunity we need to do a reset. We are banging pots for the healthcare workers right now.

16:30:01 From Bruce Caron : On IRC and Slack: http://tedium.co/2017/10/17/irc-vs-slack-chat-history/

16:30:51 From scottmace : My blog (fairly inactive) on Blogger: http://openingmove.blogspot.com

16:33:42 From Bill Wendel1 : Love what you’re saving Estee

16:33:47 From Bill Wendel1 : * saying

16:39:24 From Geovane Fedrecheski : Rebooting the web of rings

16:39:45 From Bruce Caron : Blesting with books

16:40:02 From Karyl Fowler : lol

16:40:22 From Bruce Caron : visitor just arrived… got to hop off.

16:41:50 From Tom Brown : +1 for languages!

16:42:26 From Karen Advocate : I cannot even figure out how to get people to sign up for my blog. <3 Pleasure to meet all of you. Thank you Kaliya!! I need to participate in my weekly frontline call with NYC, so won't be at the closing circle.