Iiw12 Proposed Topics

From IIW

What topics are you planning to present about or lead a discussion about at this IIW?

  • - Open Reputation Framework- relationship of reputation to identity
  • Activity Streams, Microformats,
  • Backplane
  • Browser-based identity systems, client-side service discovery
  • Building a federated signon protocol based on OAuth2
  • Centering identity data in the browser - maybe
  • "Continuing development of the FreshBooks Add-on Store and gadget environment; efforts at The Small Business Web to standardize ""app stores""
  • Digital Birth Certificates (as described by Siegel) / PDS for things
  • Ethically Monetize Data.Calculating Privacy Risk.Data context and blurring models.
  • Identity and digital assets on the web. User centric distributed data stores.
  • Inconsistency Robustness
  • Information sharing agreements
  • Legal Standards, Market and community rules structures, risk and liabilitiy mitigation online, addressing privacy and security issues
  • multiple identities
  • Not planning to lead, since this is my first. However, I can bring a perspective on how an MSO is approaching Identity.
  • Not sure yet
  • NSTIC - Industry partnership
  • NSTIC revisited, in the US and EU
  • OAuth in the enterpriseStrong auth
  • OAuth, JWT, SWD, OpenID
  • openID ABC
  • OpenID Evolution To A 4-Party Model (IdP,RP,User, AP (Attribute Provider).OpenID Proxies, Good or Bad Idea?NSTIC
  • OpenID, OAuth
  • OpenID, OAuth, Enterprise, OpenStack
  • PDS, personal trust frameworks
  • Portable Contexts & The Portable Context Community Prototype
  • Privacy and identity
  • PuSHEE - PubSubHubbub Enterprise Engine
  • Security analysis of double-redirection protocols + PKAuth: social login for unregistered applications
  • Social web and Mozilla. Drumbeat website. Ongoing work on Identity and Badges.
  • SquareTag - Enabling unconnected things to participate in the Internet of Things
  • The opportunities afforded by wide-spread adoption of transparency, unique-identity and real-identity verification, and trust networks.
  • The state of Activity Streams.
  • UMA; user-centric identity; risks involved; quality
  • User experience design of Smart manager
  • User Managed Access (3)
  • Using the DNS as a personal contact info repository.Explanation of .tel domains.
  • VPI; Mydex community prototype
  • VRM / Personal RFP
  • VRM / Fourth Parties
  • VRM / r-button / emancipay
  • VRM / health care / self-tracking / personal informatics
  • VRM / GRM (government relationship management)
  • VRM + CRM
  • web security

What are you hoping to learn about or hear a presentation about at IIW?

  • 3rd party data access -- sites that scrape data I maintain on my primary site/profile. How is that protected, governed...
  • All
  • as much as I can
  • Authentication, authorization and social login protocols
  • business caseattribute verificationsocial sign on in relation to data agregators
  • Business models that would enable a large financial institution to succeed as an Identity Provider for its customers.
  • connect.me, universal login, government id
  • Digital Death, Information Privacy, VRM
  • economics of identity, models of privacy and security, stable equilibria in the identity space
  • Evolution of trustworthy identity and credentialing
  • Evolving business modelsRegulatory landscapeData gathering toolsSemantic tools for organizing free-form data
  • Federated login. OpenIdConnect.
  • gnarly problems
  • Grounding in 'big picture' issues, especially challenges of a multi-faceted identity, and some practical info. about implementation in institutions
  • I want to become more familiar with the existing community of developers.
  • I would like to learn about how identity providers can offer or enable a wide range of applications without operating each service infrastructure.
  • Identity and Access Management used on the Internet for B2C. Mutual Authentication/Assurance of the Identity and it's lifecycle (from provisioning to end of life)
  • implementing Trust Frameworks; Refining OpenID ABC
  • many thoughts related to human centric view of management and use of identity
  • Methods for coalescing identity, working with personal data stores
  • Neat Things
  • OAuth 2 progress, PDS/PDX
  • OAuth 2, OpenIDConnect, OpenSocial, SAML (3)
  • OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect
  • OAuth 2Consumer/Enterprise identity bridges
  • OAuth, JWT, OpenID Connect, SAML, use cases that cross the enterprise/individual divide
  • OAuth2
  • OAuth2, OpenID ABC progress, security
  • Oauth2, UMA, PDS, verified claims (3)
  • Ongoing work in open standards re: identity.
  • OpenID ABC, OAuth2, Identity in the Browser, Login UX
  • OpenID Connect, UMA, OAuth (2)
  • OpenID Strategic DirectionPersonal Data Exchanges
  • OpenID, OAuth
  • OpenID, OAuth, OpenID Connect, authentication, privacy, security
  • PDS (databanks),
  • future of media, future of advertising,
  • future of TV, Quora as Disputation Arena,
  • real-time location-based services in the personal data ecosystem;
  • what does it mean if this person and his ideas (http://www.tubechop.com/watch/126638) are leading the US Dept. of Commerce and informing President Obama's long term vision for our country and the world?
  • PDS topics, VRM, Portable Identity
  • Personal Data Ecosystem (2)
  • personal data stores
  • Personal data stores, data portability
  • privacy and user-centric identity; protocol flows
  • Standardization, especially relating to OAuth and OpenId
  • Take it all in and hope I understand it.
  • The death of internet identity.
  • The status of online identity; sharing experiences and getting inspiration for future directions
  • The status of OpenID Connect.
  • Trust frameworks for consumer web sites
  • User expedrience case studies
  • What is the impact of NSTIC?
  • Whatever is next
  • Whether OpenID is still relevant to anyone.

What are the critical questions about user-centric identity and data you hope to discuss with peers at IIW.

  • applications and implications of formal identity verification vs. aggregation of reputation
  • development milestones/challenges, adoption milestones/adoption, user acceptance,
  • Feedback on client-side discovery systems; whether anyone would adopt as relying or originating party; client-side claim discovery and relay systems
  • How are others controlling and even redacting access from vendors outside of the IdP?
  • how best to move forward
  • How do Identity providers address the need to provide multi-tenant Identity environments. Are there there issues around Identity that should impact a company's data management strategy?
  • how do you make incentives on the vendor side.
  • How to create a federated signon ecosystem in the Internet based on open authentication standards
  • how to ensure quality and privacy with user centric protocols
  • How to get past the present state of internet identity.
  • How to insure real privacy and security in Federated Identity Systems.
  • IDaasManaging identity and user data across enterprises and clouds
  • Is OpenID Dead? If so, where next?
  • Is there an alternative to Facebook?
  • Liability issues for Identity Providers
  • Linkage of user-centric identities between audience and advertiser ecosystems
  • Need for strong identification of relying party without registration (2)
  • Next evolutionary steps
  • Oauth2, UMA, PDS, verified claims
  • Possible improvements to the ux design of Smart manager
  • Standards and adoption
  • standards, VRM, personal data stores/services, 4th party services
  • Universal Cloud ID by way of reinventing the password while providing maximum security with absolute simplicity.
  • Ways of making it easy for the data producer to control data dissemination.Measurement of, and patterns in, user privacy sensitivity ratings
  • What are all users needs. What do we want the systems to do
  • What are the major privacy issues, and how are they addressed.
  • what creates value what are we protecting against
  • What does a competitive identity ecosystem look like? What are the features of stable equilibria? How do we avoid a winner-take-all market model.
  • What non-technical challenges most hinder wide-spread adoption of better security and authentication?
  • What role, if any, should government and the law play in facilitating the emergence of the PDS / VRM paradigm?
  • where do we see the business case for LoA 2 and higher, who will drive the market? Why are service providers reluctant to adopt infrastructure. To much technology push?
  • Whether federated social networking systems will ever create sufficient value to cross the initial chasm of significant usage.
  • Why choose which balance between the user's and the identity/service provider's interest; what privacy concerns are reasonable