Identity For All
Identity for All
Wednesday 4B
Conveners: Bryan Pon, Jeff Arresty, Peter Simpson
Note taker: Mei Lin Fung
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Identity for Financial Inclusion and Identity for Refugees => how to empower self sovereign identity – need to have network effects and collaborate on a proof of network effect. SLACK group will be formed -
UN and World Bank were part of the discussion, lots of interest in continuing the discussion.
Transcript of session
Brian of Caribou – new tech and systems for identity – what does it mean for emerging markets and constraints, vulnerabilities, use cases – diverse landscape
Perspective for next generation technology solutions – where appropriate and can provide value?
Doc – those doing things say what we are doing
Brian of Caribou Digital – research firm, 6-month project in India interviewing end users about experience in managing multiple identities, digital, analog, state based etc; Long tail for whom system does not work very well – what is impact of being enrolled. Social Science research. DIFID identity with refugees, World Bank field work on experience with identity systems
Peter Simpson – iRespond – SE Asia – UN refugee camps 100k UNIoM, provide digital identity – support of govts – give stateless individuals biometric identity, then transcript of skills, training, education, shift from stateless to documented
Thai gov - anti human trafficking – 700K migrant workers to get digital identity to not be exploited – thru block chain – Africa HIV experience
ID 2020 – Dakota Groom – UN Exec Director – thinking about challenges from 2 lenses
- How to assure new and emerging technology is brought to bear on these challenges in developing markets? UN agencies understand needs on the ground- have input to tech developments – bring actors together in an institutionalized way, governance mechanism – beneficial to people – convening that conversation
- Funding – significant attention by UN agencies and others to provide some form of identification eg UNICEF supported birth registration, UNDP voter registration – they use different vocabularies and fundraise in different streams – silos – so cover smaller populations – hugely inefficient use of funds, repeat and conflicting investments, ensure people’s information is fractured and out of their control
Need to change flow of funding by UN agencies – no communal fund for enabling people to access identity – key market failure and key opportunity
Working with 2 large international organizations to scope out GAVI – global vaccination for 60% of world’s children. Vaccination card – no follow up, or tracking. Huge incentive to manage that relationship
UNHCR – bio metric identification system – valuable to a refugee while in a camp – ultimate goal is to seek re-settlement
How to work better with World Food program, etc
World Bank – IT dept – innovation and technology unit – Susan Saravich
- Blockchain lab – looking internally and externally into how to prepare clients to leapfrog development – identity is the big use case; new organization – found that there are lots of innovation labs in UN agencies and open to collaborating together – WB senior mgmt. agree important to work across Un agencies
Jeff Aresty – Internet Bar Organization – Justice layer as a community for all- Haiti, Brazil, Africa, Afghanistan – like American Idol on line – recruit talent, do training in law, do video work and put process up on line – sold music
Created opportunity to look at Justice layer – and Identity system is broken. This is key – identity for entry into justice layer
Identity for the next billion – IGF could start in developing world – identity
Where is pilot – discussion with Peter Simpson - presented digital identity for stateless refugees
Norms can emerge separate from state organizations – in stateless environments
Myanmar – Peter Simpson – set of tools for response agencies – develop a system that could grow – connect to FinTech
Use US Vets are evaluators – ones who know the cultures, dispute resolution approaches
Build a set of norms – ISO and ANSI folks – what would we need to do in a pilot to develop best practices, working to get project off the ground – take to refugee camps
Mei Lin – People Centered Internet co-founded with Vint Cerf – In the next generation of the internet, need to assure humans are at the center of what we do. This is a shift from talking to trying things and learning. We have identified PILOT’ing in NorCal, with the intention of moving out and rolling out next in Puerto Rico. Currently working with Solano County Public Health and Medical Reserve Corps on medical identity – next establishing identity for educational and financial purposes. Will have a workshop on Day 3 first session on scoping out the Norcal Pilot.
Tony Rose – micro loans via AirTime – digital identity – consultant; empower individual to accelerate whole economy
Guiding something this year – onboarding small loans in Paraguay and Malaysia – financial institutions that will accept this and shift to more than microloans
Kaliya – Pillar Wallet – open source wallet – personal data wallet
Nick Johnson – Sovereign Foundation – Identity for All – council charge is to support experiments to proof of use cases
Drummond – trustee on Sovereign foundation – global public utility to serve identity for all – we have a social responsibility to pay attention to those not in a position to have identity at all
We will support you – Brian, Dakota, Susan
Tech is only a small part of the problem
Jack – John Callaghan VERIDIUM– Grant from Gates Foundation using biometric identity for payment system – Identity assertion system – UAF – hooks for active assertion – DSF project is limited to Android system – want to USF
Lara – Georgetown University – BECK center – thinking about scaling social impact – receive money from Rockefeller Foundation to build an ethical framework for using Blockchain – eg refugee identity – what are risks? Want to come up with questions so developers know what to be thinking about
Dakota - UN ID 2020 Alliance – purpose is to sort out risks – Dakota – governing board, ethics and risk, technical committees (front end eg biometrics, UX, UI, interoperability) Implementation, Eco system and advisory committees; Framework for working groups to ensure mechanism to bring issue to the fore – eg new bio metric – have a process for feeding it into the advisory committees and feed up to the board
Lily Bragg – go no go decisions – where is this being documented?
Dakota – there is no clear and consistent documentation – many procurement processes –
Susan – WB – set up a knowledge share that is open to toss ideas around – locations what you’ve learned in specific implementations, partnering, dealing with govts; Use cases – what is WB working on?
Brian/Caribou – ID4D team – is looking at it.
Susan – not public report
Dave Crocker – is there a place to register for an ongoing discussion that could be turned into deliverables and get group collaboration
Dakota will set it up….
Jeff Aresty – we have set up - as a justice project – Justice cross culturally means different things to different people and generations – space for connection – linking into organizations – SLACK, GITHUB – print up a set of notes from this discussion
We are looking for guidance and direction – at this early stage we can set it up
Lily – guidance and direction on what? Is that intentionally nebulous
Jeff – the next 3 billion coming on line – refugee communities are a vulnerable use case – what tools do they utilize
First, we started with Fintech then, health became a priority instead – has happened even as Internet Bar Organization started with Music
Kaliya – funded with your tax dollars – Photo – URL but not published
Please do not circulate – it is an early version of the Eco System Map – all standards, all specifications, all papers, all people, all events – contact Kaliya Moving to UWashington Scott David and Kaliya
What communities need?
Web interface to add node to the map and create accounts for people in this room who have write permission to the Map.
Lily Bragg – do outputs of different entities also get logged eg work from team Canada for processes from identity group so can compare to Estonia group
Kaliya – if there are specifications we can point to it from this map
US Gov, state of Virginia
Maria/IEEE – how would we get our IEEE working groups in there?
Kaliya – Would have IEEE authorized to add nodes, and have moderated input from others
If you are interested in writing to the eco-system – I will send out a note to this room- here’s how you create an account to add to this
Susan World Bankl – This is a lot more elaborate than a sharing experience that I envisaged – I am afraid of messing this up
Kaliya – we have a great taxonomy – Anil of Dept of Homeland Security pushed to have a reasonable web UI to add data
Tony Rose – how to have a collaborative process?
Kaliya – could have a project as a “thing” – so what projects are getting government and other funding in the Identity space
Joyce –this is just a list – if you want to contact everyone – people might leave organizations
Kaliya – there is a community building piece –
Jeff – we are connecting 300 community legal aid organizations – IT people and exec directors – to limit first round of participants – then reach out further – a SLACK channel and different ways to communicate – then community can design how to go forward
Maria – we have our blockchain SIG on SLACK – development, issues are all discussed – share projects, links to GitHub – sometimes get a lull – have to keep each other inspired to keep going – recognize that it's the nature of the beast – this fills our digital inclusion thru trust and agency – not just emerging regions, but in developed areas where people can’t afford broadband and bring them online within a trusted platform – not to exploit them, and prevent them from being exploited later. Find ways so all are equally projected. What does it look like when you have AGENCY over your digital identity. When a digitally illiterate person comes online – how to prepare them
That’s what we explore in the Industry Connections program
Lily Bragg ( – how to get an MVP up during a Blitz attack
(different entities focused on different areas – tech, policy – but we are talking about humans – so why not think about how we impact humans together and get actionable tools for humans. Must get enough momentum around some small community – have to get it done in one area)
Maria IEEE – idea is that each org has a different focus, IEEE is technical, ID 2020 is more development focus
Lily – is there interest to get work done?
Susan – could use Kaliya’s map to see who is doing payment systems in Somalia – this is great
Dakota ID2020 – to answer Lily’s question – we don’t want to have 6 conversations all of which vaguely overlap – home for connecting two different related conversations
Kaliya – I would like this to be a home for the concrete documentation, it’s not for ongoing community conversations
Dave Crocker – just created a google group called ID 2020/Discuss – this is for NOW and you will migrate
Dakota – I will set up a SLACK
Tony Rose – network effect of a self-sovereign identity – needs financial institutions etc
Dakota – that’s our core perspective – how can we bring that network effect about – imagine for large companies – it’s not a commercial opportunity in identity itself, but we can benefit by facilitating identity for people – a way to finance that global public good
Tony Rose – if there is a locale with self-sovereign identity – does it really increase economic opportunity?
Drummond: Everyone sign up here
To have an overall solution – the decentralized identity layer will serve all of us – and we will get the network effects – the wallet in developed world may be more specialized, and also different in the developing world
Its momentum for overall network effect for identity
Kaliya – Sean Conway’s model – lab with 6 companies – then next generation with 6 more partners – to build apps using infrastructure and there will be more.