Identity Film – Brings IIW & Core Topics to Life…

From IIW

Identity Film

Wednesday 1F

Convener: Kaliya

Notes-taker(s): Jim Pasquale

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

create a virtual board to hold the film and work on raising the money figuring out the financing.

The Film could be:

  • Past * Present * Future
  • 5 Years out
  • a 7-10 mini-documentary that gives historical context extended elevator speech

Protocol Story / Compeditors

Doc wrote up on the board the work of Scott Meredith Protagonist(s) Somebody or a cause audience identifiers with

Problem conflict that keeps people watching or turning pages Key: Things get worse but there must be movement toward resolution

Classic Hero's Journey Is our story more like Luke Skywalker OR Obi Wan Kanobi people talked about it and we thought Obi Wan - the wise sage.

The Hero is humanity

The enemy is the faceless machine we accidentally created

Moral conflict with @google and other large enterprises named in Terms and Conditions May Apply

  • Not the people - we don't know anyone at Google who is not a good person
  • they aren't the wretched hive scum of villainy

BIG OTHER / non-ominous

There is a spiritual side to IIW - many of the people have some sort of lens towards what we are doing that is spiritual.

The #nymwars

Parker Palmer worked with Obama to Train the Trainers in story telling - your story about how you got involved in the campaign and what you care about.

Pledges are needed

Kelly F said he would be willing to have some help coming from BYU. It would need to have some educational aspect to help employees understand topics in ID capabilities.

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