IIW 36 Session Notes
Tuesday April 18, 2023
Session 1
1A/ eIDAS 2.0- Revision of the upcoming European Identity and Trust Framework / Paul Bastian
1B/ OAuth 101: Introduction Session / Vittorio Bertocci
1C/ Web 7.0 vs. Web 5 / Michael
1D/ Your CORE Identity: You are a Child of God / Jacob S
1F/ Forking VC’s Depending on Subject Identifiers into Biometrics or DIDs / Adrian Gropper
1G/ Apple’s Platform SSO: Leading the Way to Zero Trust on Macos / Dipti Shiralkar
1H/ Mistakes were made… Product Manager Confessional / James Monaghan
1J/ Polyversal Coordination Stack for PLANETARY Self-Governance / Day W
1K/ vLEI Update - GLEIF / Karla McKenna
1L/ Large Language Models for Human Flourishing and Human Accountability / Dave Sanford
1N/ Assurance Levels or Assurance Details? Mark Haine
Session 2
2A/ OpenID 4 Verifiable Credentials OID4VC 101 / Tobias, Torsten, Kristina
2B/ Intro to OpenID Connect - an IIW 101 Session / Mike Jones
2C/ What is Web 7.0? / Michael Herman
2D/ Trust Registries / Nicole Roy and Dmitri Zagidulin
2E/ Biometrics & Blockchain Signatures / Troy Samuels
2G/ Federated Auth Network / Day Watebury
2H/ Introduction to KERI / Nuttawut Kongsuwan & Phil Feairheller
2J/ KERI + ACDC 201 Accelerated Developer Introduction / Kent Bull
2L/ Credential Migration + A Universal Credential Migration Format / Nick Steele
2M/ Identity Multiplexing for Everyone / Travis Wellman
2N/ Solving Setup for: Federation, Provisioning, Session Security, Account Security/Atul T
Session 3
3A/ Organizational Identity & Credentials / Timothy Ruff (DTV) & Phil Feairheller (Gleif)
3B/ UMA 101 User Managed Access - an IIW 101 Session / Steve V
3E/ Let’s Create a Decentralized Community Pattern Language / Randy Farmer
3G/ Identity In/For The Fedeverse / Johannes Ernst
3L/ Protecting Identity With WebAuthn / Matthew Miller
3M/ Introduction (and roasting) to the DCDR Framework (Data-Centric Digital Rights) Jean & John
3N/ McNameo Inspired Method to Crowd Source Congressional Policy / Britt B & Phil Windley
Session 4
4A/ NIST SP 800-63.4 Digital Identity Guidelines / Justin R
4B/ Fido 101 AKA Passkey - An IIW 101 Session / John Bradley
4C/ Selective Disclosure * SD-JWT 101 / Kristina Yasuda & Brian Campbell
4D/ Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) Update / Clare Nelson
4E/ Energy + Mines Digital Trust B2B/G2B From Pilot to Production / Kyle Robinson (Bc Gov)
4G/ Governance and Accountability of Decentralized Identity and Verifiable Credentials / Scott Perry
4H/ Anonymous Reputation - What’s the State of the Art? / James Monaghan
4K/ “Good ID…” Is it time for a new framework? / Ethan V ID2020
4L/ Next Version Self Sovereign ID - Sovereign Individual System / Ying Liu
Session 5
5A/ SPAC = Secure Privacy Authenticity Confidentiality - Tradespace Strongest A+C+P / Sam Smith
5B/ IIW 101 Session - Intro to Self-Sovereign Identity / Limari DIF & Stephen Curran (BCGov)
5C/ Privacy as Alignment of Expectations / Joe Andrieu
5D/ How can DNS help enable Digital Trust! / Marhieu Glaude
5E/ Where are my product peeps in the house? / Bonnie
5G/ IDtech & Why it’s the key to SSI adoption / Riley Hughes
5H/ Credential Format Comparison / Paul Bastian & Andre Kudra
5K/ Visuals of SSI / Zack Jones
5L/ UX of Diia (a Ukrainian Government App) / Francisco Corella
5M/ Inter - Trust Domain Protocol “Can DiD’s , AID & OpenID talk to Each Other? / Wenjing Chu
5N/ When Browsers, Wallets, & Federation Overlap / Heather Flanagan
Wednesday April 19, 2023
Session 6
6A/ KERI for DUMMIES & Non-Technical People / Timothy Ruff
6B/ Open wallet Foundation “101” / Daniel Goldscheider
6C/ Good Biometrics vs Chain-Of-Custody in VC Context / Adrian Gropper
6F/ Detachable Federation Authorities / Justin Richer
6G/ Access Control Use Cases / Alan Karp
6H/ Jurisdiction 101 - The Missing Layer in the Identity Stack -Workshop 2 of 3 /Bry Benson (Wikido)
6L/ What’s NEW with HYPERLEDGER INDY / Char Howland
6M/ KERI and ACDC Developer Introduction / Kent Bull
Session 7
7A/ So you want to be a QVI… (Qualified vLEI Issuer) / Karla McKenna GLEIF
7C/ Digital Trust in the Age of Chat GPT / Wenjing Chu
7D/ Advanced Topics in DID Resolution / Markus Sabadello & Ankur Banerjee
7F/ A Digital Wallet Market Study / Lucy Yang and Kaliya Young
7G/ The Current State of WEBAUTHN / Nick Steele + Matt Miller
7H/ PICOS, Lora WAN, & the SSIOT / Phil Windley
7K/ Use Cases + Storytelling / Zack Jones
7M/ KERI 301: KELS, TELS & ACDCs outside KeriPy/ Jason Colburne
Session 8
8B/ We’re SABOTAGING SSI’s Chances of Success / Riley Hughes + James Monaghan
8D/ INDEMNIFICATION Identity Risk Management as a Service / Carlos Korten
8E/ State Government Use Cases… and if there is time, The secret to state procurement / Mike Leavy
8F/ Meta Trust Registry - Interoperability of Trusted Ecosystems / Lucy & Savita
8G/ Using HUMOR (ha ha ha) and Visual Communication To Gain TRUST / Chance and Zack
8H/ Red Teaming Digital Identities… And Why You Need It! / Tiffany Maoney
8J/ Talk Session Identity in Ethereum / Jane
Session 9
9A/ Query Language for VCs (Presentation Exchange?) Part 2 / Sam Smith
9B/ Verifiable Credential Revocation, 2023 + What might be next? / Stephen Curran
9D/ YOUR DID Method Sucks - Change My View / Gabe Cohen, TBD
9F/ Privacy Enhancing Mobile Credentials (PEMC) / John Wunderlich (Kantara)
9H/ Joys & Miseries of Structured Data - Analyzing the Life Cycle of Authentic Data / Jean & John
Session 10
10A/ OpenID 4 Verifiable Credential Issuance (was DID4VC 101) / Tobias L
10B/ SPAC #2 Privacy! Secure Privacy + Confidentiality / Sam Smith
10C/ AI Why We Need DID’s NOW / David Yap
10F/ Internet Data Usage Control System - JLINK / John Wunderlich
10I/ OAuth 1st Party Native App Authentication / George Fletcher
10L/ VC’s in the Supply Chain: GS1 Verifiable Credentials / no name
Thursday April 20, 2023
Session 11
11A/ INTEROP Profile with SD-JWT + OpenID4VC / Paul Bastian & Torsten L
11B/ Using What We’ve Got - Pure Identity plays probably aren’t the answer… / Matthew Miller
11C/ KERI + ACDC 201 Part II / Kent Bull
11F/ Web 7.0 Trust Registry Framework - TrustReg Documents (DID Documents) / Michael Herman
11H/ The RUBRIC Podcast / Erica Connell
11I/ What the Hell is a HASH? (Crypto for Scaredy Cats) / Joshua Coffey
11K/ ANONCREDS AUA / Berend Sliedrecht
11L/ Rubber, Meet Road - The Common Actor Model (CAM) / Chris Kula
11M/ SSI Deployment Challenges / Phil Feairheller w/GLEIF
Session 12
12A/ Making Credentials Beautiful with OCA / Stephen Curran
12C/ Credential Trust Establishment / Mike Ebert
12E/ Blockchain Biometric Signatures II / Troy
12F/ Dazzle Office Hours/Intro Get Your Personal Data Back! / Johannes
12G/ Creating A Decision Matrix Around Credential Exchange Protocols / Marrieu G
12H/ Enhancing YOUR Participation in Tech-Related Public Consultations / no name
12K/ Dynamic Pitch Modulation and Satiric Prose / Jacob Siebach
12L/ Thursday Hot Topic! KERI IPR??? If it doesn’t get cleaned up it’s going to hurt / Kaliya
12M/ Fun With DIDComm (sub) Protocols / Nick Reynolds
Session 13
13A/ WebAPI/Quylanguage to VC’s (again) / Torsten L
13B/ Your Identity IS NOT Self-Sovereign / Justin R
13C/ A Working Session: Binding Identity to Publicly Visible Content / Eric S
13F/ AUTOREP an autonomous decentralized reputation scheme / Johannes
13H/ Json Web Proofs - Status and Progress / Dan (?)
13I/ Delegatable Verifiable Credentials / Phil Windley, Alan Karp, Sam Smith
13J/ What did I DO? I pointed an NFT to a Verifiable Credential!!! / Mahesh Balan
13L/ Exploring how to engage more w/ Washington DC - What are hurdles to adoption? Kaliya & Rebekka
Session 14
14B/ VC ‘render Method’ vc rendering a display / Dmitri Z
14C/ Where Will the Generative AI/ML in my Wallet Come From? / Adrian Gropper
14F/ Open Wallet Foundation = OWF Project Ideas / Torsten L
14G/ WEB 15.2 - Shiny Toy or Pit of Despair? John W & Justin R
14H/ Yo-ID A reusable IDV network, as simple as possible / James Monaghan
14I/ Principled Peacemakers ~ A Real Identity Demo / Johnny Bry
14N/ Did:eth +did:ens Update and CTA / Nick Reynolds
Session 15
15A/ SPAC #3 Secure Privacy Authenticity Confidentiality Privacy - Final Chapter / Sam Smith
15B/ What AI Will Never Be. / Doc Searls
15D/ Bridging Protocols / Charles (Charlie) E. L
15F/ Browser APIs and Intent Handlers (for wallets) / with Adain (?)
15H/ Calling All EDs - What Can We Do Together? / Jean and John
15L/ Hyperledger Identity SIG Launch / Char Howland & Hart Montgomery