IIW 35 Notes Format and Process

From IIW

You can Download the IIW Notes Taker Form here:


  • If you have trouble downloading the word.doc from google docs - please simply follow the Notes Format Below for submitting your Session Notes


Name/Title of the Session:

Session Number: (1-15)

Session Meeting Space: (A-K)

Convener: Name of Session Convener

Notes-taker(s): Name of Person Taking/Submitting Notes

#Tags / links to resources / technology discussed, related to this session

List these here if applicable

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

Write notes here / You can also include the URL/Link to those items you’ve saved online (Slide Deck, PowerPoint, PDF, or other similar formats)


Documenting Your Discussions (NOTES Format & Guidelines)

Participants take notes for each of the sessions convened, to be shared with colleagues and importantly with other attendees who were unable to attend the session because they were participating in another one convening at the same time. Session Notes are collected and compiled into a Book of Proceedings (BoP) with a table of contents and includes information about IIW, photos & more. It’s made available to everyone several weeks after the workshop and can be found on the IIW Site under where BoP’s from all past IIW’s are archived.


Session Convener: Before you begin, please ask someone to take notes for the session. A pre-set: by Day (1 - 3) -Session Number (1 - 15) and BO Space (A - K) google doc Notes Form can be found several ways - see below! The Notes page will remain accessible for you or anyone to add notes after your session, until Wednesday May 2nd.

Session Note Taker: Use the pre-set Notes Form provided as a google.doc found in each breakout space or take hand written notes and then transcribe them into the pre-set Notes Form. Follow these steps:

1. Click Tab to the Session # for which you are taking notes. Fill-in: Session Title, Name of Convener(s), and name(s) of Note-taker(s). Type notes directly in the Form during/after session. It will remain available to add/amend until May 2nd.

2. If you have attended a session and want to add to notes already started, simply click on the session # and type directly onto that pre-set google doc Notes Form.

Access google doc Pre-set Notes Forms Several Ways - Via the online IIW Qiqo Workshop Hub in one of two places: A. Via the Breakout Space (A - K) found on the left of the Qiqo platform screen OR

B. by clicking on the AGENDA Tab above for the day of the session, finding the Session # & BO Space and clicking the Access Notes Form link on the right

If you are unable to use google.docs, download the electronic IIW Notes Form Here. Then: 1. Write and save your notes as a Word.doc & submit via email directly to: iiwnotes@gmail.com 2. Include in Subject Line of Email: Session # (1 – 24), & Breakout Space (A – P), & Session Name 3. If you are sharing a slide deck, PowerPoint, or PDF doc, please put it up on the web and provide the link to it. Do NOT send pdf files.