IIW 32 Proposed Topics

From IIW

Register here for IIW 32: https://iiw32.eventbrite.com

What topics are you planning to present about or lead a discussion about at this IIW?

  • "KERI ACDC Authentic Chained Data Containers"
  • Emerging information risk markets, choice of entity variables for identity organizations, adoption constraints for technically feasible identity technologies
  • Healthcare IT
  • Cryptographic Co-processors, Internet of Things, Applied Category Theory
  • The use of FIDO2 (Web Authn) and Verifiable Credentials
  • "Generative Commerce:
  • Fully decentralized externality discovery, price signal generation, capitalization and monetized branding. In other words, establishing a new mode of economic growth that also globally incentivizes socially and environmentally beneficial choices of any kind, irrespective of personal / corporate values, in order to generate globally decentralized, maximally efficient ethical learning, culturaldevelopment and systems coordination."
  • How we communicate these ideas and present progressive options and opportunities to the public at large (ie: people who don't see themselves as "tech experts")
  • Introduction to OpenID Connect
  • Sidetree, ION, Presentation Exchange, Credential Manifest, Fuzzy Encryption/secret recovery, Identity Hub personal datastores
  • Self-issued OpenID Provider
  • "Ethics in surveillance and data sovereignty etc But truly I am here to listen, learn and contribute where I feel comfortable"
  • actual use-case of verifiable credentials
  • Revocation of verifiable credentials, JSON-LD BBS+ Signatures with ZKP and Selective Disclosure, Aries Interoperability Testing, The Sovrin Foundation, open source Aries wallets.
  • Our digital organisational identity work on the verifiable LEI (vLEI)
  • Self-sovereign authorization server standards
  • Verifiable LEIs (vLEIs) for worldwide unique digital identification of legal entities and persons acting on behalf of them.
  • Freedom from Device-driven SSI, including freedom from Facial Recognition on Phones, also freedom from having to manage a wallet filled with my credentials. I want device free, wallet free ability to reliably engage "digitally transformed" systems and services. Dignified Data Registries - which are layer 3&4 based ToIP trust ecosystems which are fit-for-purpose and maintain dignity of digital correspondence.
  • SSI Integration with IoT
  • Mobile Wallets
  • mobile Driving Licenses, Kantara, Information Sharing Agreements
  • The Authentic Data Economy, Ethical Vaccine Credentials, Scaling Self-Sovereign Identity
  • KERI, Verifiable Credentials
  • "-Global ID aries wallet-Plug n Play Issuers/Verifiers-Governance Frameworks"
  • SSI Universal Wallet
  • Authentic Data Economy
  • ID
  • credential schemas, ecosystem
  • SSI developments of esatus AG in IDunion project
  • SSI developments backend / SeLF agent, wallet app, German SSI projects, interoperability, network of networks
  • SSI Go to Market, production use cases, German & European SSI activities incl. IDunion project, strengthening Hyperledger Indy developer base

"Verifiable credentials for covid-19

  • VC applications in loyalty
  • VC applications in offline purchases"
  • Broken user trust models and how Magic aims to solve it.
  • Anonymous authentication
  • Address vs Identity
  • Multi-assertions Credentials
  • Certificates and UBI currency, certificates as a form of digital identity, non-monetary forms of economy.
  • Maybe mLDs
  • "WACI: https://specs.bloom.co/wallet-credential-interactions/ VCs + NFTs"
  • Disposable Identities
  • Shared user relationships and user centric identity using blockchain, new methods for key management.
  • How to implement Guardianship in our digital lives for the benefit of all
  • "Embedded Hardware Wallets for IoT and Edge Devices Multi-agent and multi-wallet interactions."
    • "Embedded Hardware Wallets for IoT and Edge Devices
  • The cryptographic building blocks for identity - today, tomorrow."
  • Identity assurance
  • licensing, delegation
  • ToIP Input and Semantics WG related topics on Data Exchange in an SSI/GDPR world
  • "+ What components do we need to create a equivalent framework that uses W3C/DIF standards + What should be standardized / described in an RFC"
  • "Leveraging SSI to restore privacy and trust to the practice of medicine. The role in SSI in building trusted networks of collaboration."
  • All things front end. Also this is my first SSI project, so want to understand the tech better, and how the UX/UI may be different for this tech
  • All the things
  • Digital trust in trustless networks, Proof of Trust vs Proof of Identity, Selective Disclosure, and termed trust exchanges.

What are you hoping to learn about or hear a presentation about at IIW?

  • Current state of art in various domains
  • Healthcare IT
  • Business models to drive adoption, UX (e.g. key management/recovery, wallets, on-boarding flows, etc.)
  • state of SSI, DID
  • "Identity For All Adoption by Issuer, Holder and Verifier of the multifarious solutions"
  • KERI, Internet of Things, Training Certification
  • Everything to do with Verifiable Credentials
  • Opportunity for implementation and dissemination of generative commerce.
  • The decline of social identity platforms who abuse their power over us, and the rise of self-soverign identity platforms who return the power to the users.
  • The next generation of "social media"
  • I am hoping to learn more about SSI and the philosophical discussions around its 10 principles. I have seen in the logs of past IIWs that a definition of SSI is a recurring topic of conversation, which I would love to watch and hopefully participate.
  • Everything really, I like the structure of the event where the morning circles help guide the direction of the day
  • How is DID/SSI is being used.
  • further details about the current developments in the identity space
  • New authorization protocols, OIDC improvements, verifiable claims, biometric authN with OIDC
  • I want to keep myself up to date on everything about digital ID and contribute to the conversation if I can bring value. SSI and remote identity verification are on my priority list.
  • secure data storage. data wallets
  • Found about on-goging DID/VC related activities and updates.
  • technical roadmap of decentralized identifiers and verifiable credentials
  • "* How protocols are developed * Ethics of digital identity * Latest updates on digital identity"

did:orb, deploying ToIP applications, JSON-LD processing in ToIP, Governance Frameworks in practice (aka Machine Readable Governance Frameworks), Enterprise Wallets.

  • how to overcome hurdles related to SSI adoption
  • More around interoperability of DI credentials and development of DI ecosystems
  • Self-Sovereign and Blockchain Based Identity, Privacy in the Age of Surveillance
  • SSI best practices and design guidelines. State-of-the-art identity applications
  • Managed cloud services such as encrypted data vaults, databases, app platforms.
  • Learning through the Indigenous lens as First Nations in Canada, and especially remote Canada, do not have these topics on the radar.
  • data as transactional resource, personal data servers
  • Use cases for digital legal entity identity in various industries and regions.
  • DIDComm and identity hubs
  • How can we escape the threat of device-driven SSI.
  • "Key Management Solutions for Enterprises or Persons Biometrics in SSI"
  • privacy in VC area
  • Interoperability vs Platforms
  • SSI, toip, privacy challenges
  • app2app authentication
  • "- evolution of OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect- Decentralized Identity- evolution of Web3"
  • Progress on SSI and other proposed identity solutions
  • Oauth, OIDC, Decentralized Identity
  • "-How people are using SSI to solve real world problems -Progress in the space in general"
  • KERI | Universal Wallet | Rich Schemas | GovIDs using DI
  • Production use cases
  • Cloud wallets and Interoperability
  • Best practices
  • Auth and new ways to improve authentication and authorization
  • "- identity verification in the payments world- new means of identity verification"
  • SSI developments of the global community
  • SSI developments of the global community, join forces on interoperability
  • Productive SSI deployments globally
  • ZKP standards and protocols for VC
  • What the ecosystem's take on self-sovereign identity.
  • DID wallet interoperability
  • something new
  • I am new to the identity space, but eager to hear some of the spaces most pressing problems and work collaboratively towards solutions.
  • DIDs, Web Authn,
  • Verifiable Credentials, Anonymous Credentials, Hyperledger Indy/Aries/Ursa, and others related self-sovereign identity method interoperability, DID/VC in ActivityPub networks; DIDcomm; KERI; SSI use cases in publishing
  • Everything.
  • DID and verified Credentials standards and Blockchain, DKMS, Identity Wallets and related OpenID projects
  • advanced topics about SSI
  • mDLs
  • SSI
  • Gain insights into user centric identity and how it could be used to improve civilization.
  • State of the world's thinking on privacy and identity. New technologies, new issues, new solutions.
  • Decentralized identity and permissionless blockchains
  • Decentralized web
  • I'm looking into seeing some use cases on Verifiable Credentials and Selective Disclosure as well as connecting with people in the ecosystem. Also looking for insights for my thesis work.
  • "1) How SSI and DDI will be applied to Things that form part of our personal network. 2) How agency of wallets between Things and people will be managed."
  • "1) What cryptographic primitives will be required to support SSI, DDI 2) What hardware security standards/level will be appropriate for SSI 3) Who will be responsible for assuring and maintaining those levels of security?"
  • licensing, delegation
  • State of data exchange for SSI, SSI updates
  • Everything related to SSI.
  • Health Passes & Interoperability
  • SSI standards, progress, challenges, communities and opportunities.
  • "Attachments in credentials + Hosted attachments+ BBS+ revocation, bound signatures+ Credential Manifest+ KERI+ Open ID Connect+ Governance Frameworks+ Secure Data Storage / Identity Hubs"
  • Self-Sovereign Identity, Decentralized Identity
  • Interoperability. Social Networks Looking to meet others in the healthcare space. Looking for potential collaborators for pilot projects in the near future
  • This is my 1st IIW, so look forward to learing a lot
  • Interoperability, standards implementation, ledger interoperability, cloud wallets etc...
  • The latest progress on auth standards.
  • I am looking to learn what others are doing and hoping to discover potential partners, platforms, and practices.

  • What are the critical questions about user-centric identity and data you hope to discuss with peers at IIW?
  • What are current challenges and how are they changing.
  • Healthcare IT: interop
  • Can connectedness, quantum science, and thinking outside of the web2.0 save the internet?
  • What plans there are to deliver the promise of Identity For All by 2030
  • How will Applied Category Theory help with guiding an abstract data model for the DID Schema?
  • "Long lived vs short lived credentials Key management"
  • Adoption, market development, protocol stack extension, etc.
  • "User adoption - how do we get people to care? Fragmentation or a single winner - if everyone is trying to build a self-soverign identity platform then we'll have fragmentation an loss of network effects"
  • How do we do the right thing in terms of the tech? How do we make sure new business models and algorithms are as inclusive and non-biased as possible.
  • Interoperability
  • I hope to discuss with peers what are their understanding of SSI. Is it just "individual own and control their data" or is it about people having the right to participate in a digital society? Should systems be free? What about GDPR? Do peers have any idea about how to implement the right to be forgoten? What about blockchain? Do we really need it? I think we should throw it away.
  • A birds eye view as to why the boundaries of user identity and data has not been a respected facet from large corporations who are not transparent and forthcoming about their use of private data harvested for monetary gain. The concept of our online use/identity/data and its reflective role into the inner workings of our minds and souls. A viable path forward to address these issues and more towards a world of integrity for justice, equity and peace.
  • adoption and funding/finance
  • "What are the most suitable use-case of DIDs and VCs? What's the difference of SSI and user-centric identity?"
  • "How will protocols by blockchain companies like Civic, Blockstack and Ethereum impact the future of digital identity?
  • What does the next 10 years of digital identity look like on the web?"
  • Practical deployment plans.
  • Progress on base Aries libraries, hopefully the Rust based ones and how we will use those to auto-generate various language wrappers.
  • What are the technical hurdles to overcome to achieve an ubiquitous "password-free" society using the SSI paradigm?
  • How to keep user-centric identity from being used in coercive and evil ways.
  • Considering Internet-identity from a personal perspective through to collective to see how we incorporate this into Indigenous world view.
  • What is most likely step change in simplifying online privacy and data security for users? Is there a business model for personal data servers that can get mainstream adoption?
  • Use cases for digital legal entity identity in various industries and regions.
  • Using the DID spec for different types of assets
  • How do we get phones out of our lives - get rid of devices, and get rid of the burden of managing a "cloud resource" where I have "my stuff" - I want a free, dignified, *human-centric* life - not a technobabble infused jumble of junk and lifestyle driven by western cultures.
  • The Future of Hyperledger Indy
  • An operational definition of user centric
  • Intersection of existing IDP systems and VCs
  • How do verified credentials and decentralized identity disrupt current user experiences?
  • "- how to preserve privacy, especially when interacting with web3 dApps - how to interact with traditional centralized service providers- legal and compliance updates with regards to verifiable credentials"
  • Are there interoperability plans being discussed between different identity platforms?
  • "blockchain identity leveraging oauth 2.0 using cookies as opposed to tokens"
  • User adoption: convenience vs security
  • Practical Application for KERI
  • "User agency Privacy SSI Scalability"
  • When will gov't issuers come online?
  • "What should be in a wallet? How shall we enable inclusion>>Identity for all"
  • SSI ease of use
  • UX of wallet apps, wallet app resilience features
  • SSI ease of use, resilience of SSI tech (backup, sync)
  • "Interoperability of VC protocols and presentations
  • VC format standards"
  • What are some road-blocks to self-sovereign identity.
  • How can we make digital identity easy for any and all users? What is our approach to educating the masses on digital identity?
  • Can we distinguish business models along their capacity to support interoperability?
  • Why is adoption so slow? What are you doing to make adoption happen? What do you think about the blockchain proof-of-humanity things.
  • Wallets Interoperability
  • How to make SSI real
  • Key management and the use to blockchain to standardize data schemas for interoperability.
  • "Two hot topics for me are: - Guardianship - Consent based Medical data sharing for research"
  • "1) Are physical (hardware wallets) the ground truth for digital wallets? 2) If yes, what attributes are necessary to develop trust? - reliability, security, usability?

3) Why will users trust third part wallet agent(s)."

  • what "users" really want
  • Realist mechanisms for aiding the public on consent in a complex world
  • Identity Grounding (trustless vs KYC)
  • How to accelerate technical readiness and increase adoption.
  • "+ Interoperability+ holder UX+ Wallet sync, backup, key recovery"
  • How to create true self sovereignty in SSI. How to hold 3rd parties accountable to make that a possibility for the individual.
  • How to make it as user friendly as possible
  • Building now while standards discussions are still underway.
  • How to support self-sovereign and identity provider auth patterns in the same application. Is this possible, what are the implications, and can service providers make the transition?
  • Emergent protocols for trust exchanges beyond the scope of one time transactions to include long term affiliations with continual validation.