IIW 31 Notes Format and Process

From IIW

You can Download the IIW Notes Taker Form here:


   If you have trouble downloading the word.doc from google docs - please simply follow the Notes Format Below for submitting your Session Notes


Name/Title of the Session:

Session Number: (1-15)

Session Meeting Space: (A-N)

Convener: Name of Session Convener

Notes-taker(s): Name of Person Taking/Submitting Notes

  1. Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

List these here if applicable

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

Write notes here / You can also include the URL/Link to those items you’ve saved online (Slide Deck, PowerPoint, PDF, or other similar formats)

Submit your notes via email to: iiwnotes@gmail.com

Include the Session # (1-15) & Meeting Space Letter (A-M) & Session Name in the Subject Line of your Email. (Do NOT post notes directly to WiKi – we do that!)

We are happy to include your Slides, Power Points, or similar format as part of your notes. Please post them on line and include provide the URL/Link in your submitted your notes. Do the same with PDF Documents/post and provide a link.

Take photos of flip charts and white boards at the session to include as part of documentation. E-mail to iiwnotes@gmail.com as .jpg labeled with the session number and space letter.


We collect Notes from all of the sessions convened. They are posted on the iiw.idcommons.net wiki and compiled into a Book of Proceedings that includes photos, information about IIW and the notes. It is emailed to everyone in PDF format after the conference. Please follow the process below:

Session Convener:

   Before you start, please identify 1-2 people to take notes for the session.
   There is an optional Attendance Sheet to collect names and contact info. This attendance sheet does NOT need to be turned in – it is for your purposes, to help stay in touch after the session, should you all choose.

Note Taker (two options):

   Use the electronic Notes Form that was emailed from iiwnotes@gmail.com or download it from: https://iiw.idcommons.net/Note_Format_and_Process and take notes directly into it. OR….
   Use the paper Note Taker Form provided on the clipboard located in each session space. Later, transfer your handwritten notes into (a) the electronic form you received via email or (b) the body of an email that follows the notes format.

Submit your notes via email to: iiwnotes@gmail.com

   Include in Subject Line of Email: Session # (1 – 15) / Meeting Space Letter (A – M) & Session Name. (Do NOT post notes directly to WiKi – we do that!)
   IMPORTANT: We’re happy to include slide decks, Power Point, PDF or similar format items as part of your notes. Please post those items online and send us the URL/Link within your submitted notes. The Link will be included as part of your documentation.
   Take photos of flip charts & white boards at the session to include as part of the documentation. Save as .jpg labeled with session # and space letter. Email the .jpg file to iiwnotes@gmail.com

Thank you!