IIW 31 Demo Hour
IIW 31 Demo Hour / Tuesday Oct. 20 3:30PM - 4:30PM PST & Wednesday Oct. 21 10:00AM - 11:00AM PST
Day 1 Brought to Us by Danube Tech https://danubetech.com/ and Day 2 Brought to Us by https://www.hypr.com/
TABLE/Virtual Space # in Qiqo
1. DIF: Universal Resolver and Universal Registrar Markus Sabadello URLs: https://uniresolver.io/, https://uniregistrar.io/ We'll demo the latest versions of the Universal Resolver and Universal Registrar, based on current developments in the DID Core specification.
2.Business Partner Agent: Organizational Wallet to Exchange and Update Company Masterdata: Moritz Kaminski, Robert Bosch AG
URL: https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent
Instead of data exchange via email and manual verification, the authenticity of company data or certificates can be cryptographically verified and their exchange automated. The demo shows the exchange of company data including a verified bank account between business partners based on Verifiable Credentials and Hyperledger Aries.
3. UBOSbox: Johannes Ernst, Indie Computing Corp
URL: https://indiecomputing.com/products/
UBOSbox is a pre-configured server appliance that enables consumers and small businesses to take their data home from internet platforms such as Google Docs or Dropbox onto a server they control. No spying or tracking by third parties; no lock-in and no subscription fees. Now ships with Nextcloud Hub, the leading open-source document collaboration solution that includes Google-Docs-style collaborative editing in the browser, calendaring, chat and much more.
4. Trinsic - Integrate Self-Sovereign Identity with Thousands of other Applications: Riley Hughes
URL: https://trinsic.id
Achieving SSI adoption through 2,000+ integrations & automated workflows for self-sovereign identity through Zapier. See how Phil Windley setup an IIW ticket verifiable credential issuance workflow in only ~20 minutes.
5. Verity and Connect.Me /Evernym: Tyler Ruff
URL: http://evernym.com/products
Connect.Me is a mobile digital identity wallet built for regular people. Evernym Verity makes it easy for organizations to issue and verify credentials. Together, these scalable and production-ready technologies unlock the power of SSI in an interoperable and open ecosystem.
6. Kiva Protocol - EKYC and SII: Horacio Nunez, Jacob Saur
URL: https://kiva.global/protocol/
The Kiva Protocol is a platform that enables the solution of identity challenges in the finance sector. In this demo we will see how frictionless EKYC can be realized thanks to SSI and open source.
7. Tru Social Publishing: John Wunderlich
URL: https://www.tru.net/about for the Tru story or here https://trunet.app/signup to sign up.
I will walk participants through the basic functionality of Tru: A social publishing platform, or socially verified network, that provides permissioned data and publishing with verified provenance for individuals and groups that are interested in reclaiming their authentic voices on the web.
8. Demo of the KERI CoreLlibrary in Direct Mode: Sam Smith
KERI stands for Key Event Receipt Infrastructure. KERI is a ledger-less or ledger agnostic identifier system that is meant to be interoperable within the existing DID ecosystem, but not limited to the DID ecosystem. KERI has two modes of operation direct (one-to-one) and indirect (one-to-any). Direct mode is like did:peer. This demo will show a direct mode exchange of KERI events between two peers to bootstrap their identifiers and proof of control authority.
9. HearRo Identity Based Communication (IDC): Vic Cooper - CEO HearRo, Inc.
URL: www.hearro.com
The need for organizations to easily connect with their customers/citizens in highly personalized yet secure and efficient ways has never been greater or more urgent. See how HearRo uses SSI and DID Comm to enable secure “1-click” communications between People, Organizations and Things.
10. SeLF & esatus Wallet by esatus AG: André Kudra & Christopher Hempel
URL: https://self-ssi.com/en/
SeLF integrates Self-Sovereign Identity into existing IT-infrastructure. SSI credential-based access rules are transformed into authentication and authorization objects that can be synchronized and used by conventional technologies like SAML or OIDC.
11. Transmute: Karyl Fowler, Guillaume Dardelet, Orie Steele, Margo Johnson
URL: https://www.transmute.industries/
Transmute's platform secures critical supplier, product, and supply chain transaction data using verifiable credentials and decentralized identifiers. This technical demo will highlight the role of the Universal Wallet as an open standard for wallet portability, including Transmute software integration examples with Encrypted Data Vaults and scalable identifiers.
12. Privacy and Trust for Physicians and Patients: Leah Houston, MD
URL: https://hpec.io/ @HPECid
HPEC is creating a decentralized network of practicing physicians. Our vision is to restore privacy, security, and trust to the doctor patient relationship. Our first use case will be building and connecting a qualified and credentialed physician social network using SSI.
13. The Human Colossus Foundation / Argo, the DDE sandbox - Where Identity meets Data: Paul Knowles & Robert Mitwicki
URL: https://argo.colossi.network
Where Identity meets Data. Human Colossus will demonstrate the merging of the Inputs and Semantic domains within the context of a Dynamic Data Economy. The demo will demonstrate a dynamic data flow with explicit consent between two Hyperledger Aries agents.
14. humanID: Joyce Liu
URL: https://human-id.org/
humanID is a non-profit identity for online communities free of abuse. Think 'Login with Facebook', but trustworthy & just as fast. Zero personal information is stored or shared. The path to a better internet is a user-centric digital identity that is accountable and anonymous.
15. The Blinky Project: Brent Shambaugh
URL: https://theholo.space/
"Early Explorations with LoRa extended WiFi networks, MCUs, and Cryptographic-Coprocessors"
16. Spruce Systems, Inc. / DIDKit: Charles E. Lehner
URL: https://medium.com/@sprucesystems/spruce-developer-update-2-484368f87ee9
DIDKit a suite of tools for working with Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identifiers. We will demo the Rust library and command-line tool, and present our current and planned integrations with our mobile app and server applications.
17. UNiD Node App: Ed Eykholt, iRespond Global
URL: https://www.irespond.org
We are a privacy-preserving biometric service provider. Our UNiD product creates a pseudonymous 12-digit numeric identifier associated with a person’s iris scans. In an SSI context, biometrics are an excellent way for a credential holder to prove they are indeed the subject.
18. IdRamp/Multi Wallet Capability for Guardianship and Cross Ledger Verification Use Cases: Mike Vesey, IdRamp CEO - Karl Kneis, IdRamp COO
Will demonstrate the ability to use multiple identity wallets within one identity wallet app. Multi Wallet capability provides a foundational guardianship mechanism for people who cannot directly access or manage their own digital identity and IOT assets that may require a segregated wallet. Cross ledger verification represents the interoperability and flexibility required for complex ecosystems.
19. HYPR the Passwordless Company URL: https://www.hypr.com/
20. Condatis – SSI-OIDC Bridge: Chris Eckl and Richard Astley
URL: https://sitekitsolutionsltd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/richard_astley_sitekit_net/EeNO52NLO-5OrFZAs8u1uv0BUuuF1qEjMmCicgJXGfZ3ig?e=52KCi4
Offering a simple out of the box SSI extension to existing federated systems. Can make an enterprise SSI agent available for any digital service that already used federated identity. Allows abstraction to one SSI technology stack and will offer interop between SIOP and Hyperledger Aries.