IIW 27 Demo Hour
IIW 27 Demo Hour / Wednesday Oct. 24th 1:30 - 2:30
Brought to Us by: Wireline https://www.wireline.io/
1. Danube Tech - DID Registration and Resolution: Markus Sabadello URL: https://uniresolver.io/ Now that we have a basic understanding of what DIDs are for, let's take a closer look at how they can be registered and resolved.
2. Article 26 Backpack™ - The UC Davis Human Rights Tool for Universal Academic Mobility Keith David Watenpaugh, Professor and Director, Human Rights Studies, UC Davis URL: https://article26backpack.ucdavis.edu/ Backpack empowers refugees and displaced people to connect with highered and jobs safely, securely and effectively. More than an app, with Backpack’s ecosystem refugees can store and share critical academic and employment information as they build narratives of achievement.
3. IndieAuth: Aaron Parecki URL: https://indieauth.net/ IndieAuth is a decentralized identity protocol built on top of OAuth 2.0. IndieAuth brings back the original goal of OpenID where every website can be its own identity, and doesn't require apps to pre-register at each authorization server.
4. Veridium, DID Authentication with Biometrics: John Callahan URL: http://veridiumid.com/ A demonstration of Veridium's IEEE 2410 DID Auth integration using a QR-based challenge scanned by a mobile app. The app is a simple, Heroku-hosted, Ruby-on-Rails app that relies on a Universal Resolver service to resolve the user's DID.
5. Peercraft / Open Discovery: Henrik Biering URL: https://www.opendiscovery.biz/ OpenDiscovery is a KISS approach to realize scalable decentralized markets for products and services. OpenDiscovery nullifies the trading value of data to the benefit of security, privacy, trust, innovation, competition, and production planning. A simple POC will be demonstrated.
6. yes® ID scheme (yes.com): Torsten Lodderstedt URL: http://www.yes.com (German only) yes® introduces a scheme that enables bank customers to use their online banking accounts for conducting various digital transactions, such as login, registration, identification, payment and signing, with Relying Parties. Use of bank-verified KYC data in conjunction with online banking multi-factor authentication allows to address use cases up to eIDAS trust level substantial.
7. digi.me – current PC/Mac, iOS/Android version application: Jim Pasquale URL: http://digi.me for product & http://digi.me/video for vision Experience what users can do when they own and are in the driver’s seat of their own data on their own devices(s). More privacy through our new Consent Access feature, with external apps providing insight from financial data inside their library. Learn about giving data back with a new digi.me feature.
8. Manifold: Bruce Conrad URL: https://manifold.picolabs.io Manifold is designed to help owners keep track of their things, and information about their things. Each thing is represented by a card in the UI and backed by a pico which stores all of the information. Apps can be dropped into cards. Come see a demonstration and try it out with something of your own. The apps we have now are "Safe & Mine" and "Journal."
9. HumanOS Level Digital Identity Management: Jeff Orgel (jeffo@whatisyourrealit.com) Digital Identity is shaped by behavior/choice relationships with IT platforms/systems. Those affects will shape digital identity & presence. Will that digital identity reflect intention? A language, Real-IT, looks to manage & control how that relationship reflects into Reality?
10. CitizenOne: Lucas Tetreault URL: https://www.vivvo.com/citizenone/ Using digital signatures (DID's) as a means to replace username/password entrances allowing the user to enroll themselves to services with digital interactions that broker verifiable claims and consent for in person and back channel verification workflows.
11. Payfone: Michelle Wheeler and Aidan Herbert URL: http://www.payfone.com How can we use consumer choice to drive data privacy forward? Join Payfone for un-conference approach to demoing and designing a universally needed tool.
12. Jolocom: Kai Wagner URL: https://jolocom.io Kai will demo the Jolocom SmartWallet, an app based on the Jolocom self-sovereign identity protocol, implementing a range of open standards from DIDs, to Verifiable Credentials. In the Demo, he will show a self-sovereign single sign-on solution.
13. Minerva - User Friendly Digital Wallet: Robert Mitwicki URL: https://lab10.coop Glimpse on new generation of user friendly digital wallet for your identity and assets. In the demo we would present how to use Minerva for single sign-on, second factor authentication and subscription payments in a mobile environment.
14. UBOSbox: Johannes Ernst URL: https://indiecomputing.com/products/ UBOSbox is a pre-configured home server that enables users to take their personal data home from on-line services such as Dropbox onto hardware they control. Announced recently in Berlin at the Nextcloud conference, it is now shipping.
15. Videntity: Verify My Identity, an open source Open ID Connect Provider within Django Python: Alan Viars URL: https://github.com/transparenthealth/vmi Videntity has teamed with the Alliance for Better Health to create a standards-based information sharing platform. Some of the key features that will be implemented in the coming months include support for FIDO and Identity assurance escalation.
16. OpenConsent and the OpenConsent Privacy and Security Network: Sal D’Agostino, Co-Founder URL: https://openconsent.com The OpenConsent Privacy and Security Network is built with the vision that privacy and security needs to be usable for people and machines. Privacy and security need to address the operational requirements of people and companies. The demo will show how the network, in its first phase, addresses this and in the process reduces risk and increases operational efficiency and the value of brand and personal information.
17.Duo Mobile and Partner Program Opportunities: Leya Leydiker URL: https://duo.com At Duo, we combine security expertise with a user-centered philosophy to provide two-factor authentication, endpoint remediation and secure single sign-on tools for the modern era. Partner with us to connect and collaborate with Duo customers, resellers and developers.
18. Identity.com Marketplace Transaction: Martin Riedel URL: https://Identity.com Identity.com is an open-source decentralized identity ecosystem that enables access to cost-effective, secure identity verification solutions. This demo will showcase how Issuers can set prices for identity credentials items and how Subjects can hand out a verified credential that is issued through the marketplace.
19.HIE of One Trustee: Adrian Gropper URL: http://hieofone.org Trustee by HIE of One is the first open source and standards-based self-sovereign personal agent. We combine UMA, uPort, and OpenID Connect to show how Verifable Credentials and Self-sovereign identity complement federated identity to create a true patient-centered health record.
20. MUNINN next-gen intelligent network intrusion detection system (IDS): Andreas Wehowsky URL: https://www.wehowsky.com Just as Muninn, one of Odin’s ravens, watched Midgaard and informed Odin about critical events, MUNINN monitors your computer network and detect anomalies using cutting edge machine learning, alerting about cyber threats, espionage, and data breaches immediately.
21. 'Secure Device Access: Hannes Tschofenig URL: https://www.arm.com/products/iot/pelion-iot-platform Secure device access (SDA) enables device owners to give users who may belong to a different organization, such as service technicians, access to Internet of Things devices. Under the hood SDA uses the OAuth-ACE work. Hannes will show a short demo and explain OAuth-ACE.
22. Province of British Columbia – Live Public Beta of TheOrgBook: John Jordan, Stephen Curran URL: https://theorgbook.pathfinder.gov.bc.ca/ https://von.pathfinder.gov.bc.ca See the Province of British Columbia's first Hyperledger Indy production service called TheOrgBook. TheOrgBook is a cornerstone of the Verifiable Organizations Network (VON) which enables organizations to exchange data in trustworthy ways based on open standards and technology.
23. Making App to App Identity Verification Seamless: JP Bedoya URL: https://Civic.com Civic is a digital identity company, giving people the tools to control and protect their personal data. With Civic’s new app-to-app integration, any app that supports Civic Connect will be able to utilize Civic identity verification solutions, eliminating the need for a username or password while providing additional security. JP will demo this new functionality.
24. HiveMined demoing the new DMARC-enabled mobile endpoint app “Skeptify” : Mark Rees-Andersen URL: Danish only for now https://www.stopsvindel.nu Identity-based mobile security - Secure icons on every DMARC-secured inbound email and SMS, in the default email app (pat.pen). Full-screen inbound warnings against known fraudulent/spam callers. Security analysis of any text message, submitted via screenshot.