IIW 25 Proposed Topics
From IIW
What topics are you planning to present about or lead a discussion about at this IIW?
- Kantara OTTO WG
- Functional Identity, SDG 16.9, identity in developing countries
- Blockchain Biometric Authentication
- Discussion: Notaries in the Digital Age; Hands-On Session: How to Embed Data into Blockchains
- Ways of Knowing: Intuition
- Awareness relating to relationships with technology and how it is influenced by our core human nature. Awareness of the balance related to the forces regarding the trade off between anonymity/freedom vs. notoriety/influence. How human nature can own, or be owned by, the forces of the IT considering the influences of Culture, Current Politics and Pop Culture.
- decentralized identity, blockchain IDs, personal datastores
- indieweb
- Microservice Security
- Identity for Industrial IoT
- consent access
- Sovrin, XDI
- owning personal data
- DNS Next Generation - DNS has served us for over 30 years, but what do we need now?
- Kantara/ConsentJLINC/Information Sharing
- communities of interest around shared risks, distributed governance, economic models for user-centric identity
- Credentials-based user-centric identity management, Blockchain-based identity solutions, Identity solutions for the blockchain
- Identity Proofing
- RealMe
- Happy to speak about applications in the humanitarian sector or about models for public-private collaboration at scale
- OpenID Certification, OpenID Financial API
- identity and privacy education for K-12
- MFAOauth-based standardsAuthenticationPrivacy
- Distributed Identity protocols based on blockchains
- Open Source Identity Management in Higher Education
- Bring your own identitySocial Ledger
- Yubikey UsabilityKey Management
- How to do OAuth2 + FHIR + Smart on FHIR Auth
- Verified Organizations, using enabling self-sovereign identity for Government Services. Enabling the digital economy for organizations.
- Owner authentication
- Self-Sovereign Technology
- Future of eID, eIDAS and PKI
- Use of distributed identity to reduce friction in the digital content purchasing process; use of new identity solutions to connect and empower people working in the social transformation space.
- Holochain. Identity Ecosystems rather than identity networks. Holochains work on Distributed Public Key Infrastructures.
- Work around the idea of a Verified Organization and how we can enable business people to digitally represent their organization.
- Verified Organizations, using enabling self-sovereign identity for Government Services. Enabling the digital economy for organizations.
- Smart Home--the challenges for consumers trying to managing all their IoT/smart devices and a smart home. How industry will help solve those.
- I don't think I'm going to present
- Self-Sovereign Identity solutions on the blockchain
- Identity for the decentralized 3D Web
- I am mostly learning and am new to the space.
- Digital Identity Management for Cities
- Social networking on the blockchain
- I am interested in discussing self-sovereign identity and decentralized authentication.
- Will introduce IMPAO Idea, Identity, Money, Privacy, All One and see what the community thinks of it.
- Digi.me Consent Access platform / SDK
- Blockchain for Social Good
- possibly --- self-sovereignty; differential access at the object level; PKI / asymmetric encryption vs. constructive key management / symmetric encryption
What are you hoping to learn about or hear a presentation about at IIW?
- Beginners origami
- Identity and Access Management
- Looking for nuggets relevant to my work.
- Meaning of identity
- Biometrics
- Identity Proofing - Including knowledge-based authentication, and new techniques including virtual in-person proofing.Real world identity proofing in the financial industry, health care, government, etc.
- Identity verification for Internet payments - Including biometric authentication of payments on mobile phones, and new European regulations on Internet payment security.
- Identity and privacy in health care
- API of the W3C
- Cryptographic Credentials -Including anonymous credentials and quantum resistant credentials
- Effort to "reboot the Web of trust"
- Multisignal authentication
- Authentication of US government employees
- Authentication in the enterprise and the extended enterprise
- Identity in the context of mobile device management
- News in identity
- It all relates to my interest so I will expect many pleasant impacts. Im coming as a whiteboard of listening.
- Identity use on blockchain, OpenIdConnect/OAuth2, Biometrics-based multifactor authentication
- Monitoring of the health of authentication tools and their dependencies. Sovereignty. IoT.
- Authentication standards, new attestation format work
- New developments in the IAM field
- OIDC Session Management
- anything about identity except blockchain
- more on persona data economy
- personal naming systemscooperative naming
- Something new
- Sovrin, OpenID Connect, OAuth, consent, registry design,etc.
- Identity, using as little identity as we can, using blockchain for either
- Blockchain Biometric AuthenticationIdentity for Industrial IoT
- Identity and Blockchain, privacy models, GDPR
- Sovrin Foundation, Sovereign identity, Extension of the Web of Trust, Micropayments facilitated by Blockchain tech.
- decentralized identity, consent access
- What new things others are driving/creating
- identity and privacy in healthcare
- blockchain based identity - self sovereign identity
- distributed identityblockchain and identitytrust frameworks
- OAuthBlockchain
- More about Blockchain
- Other efforts using blockchains
- New technologies in Identity Management
- OpenID Connect, FIDO, blockchain identity, biometrics based authenticaiton
- uPort service DiscoverySovrin AgentsOrganization relationship managementUMA 2.0
- OAuth/OIDCBlockchain
- Self Sovereign IdentityDLT\SLT technologyUMA
- token exchange.Instead of Indian, how about Nepali? Momos will be a hit! Yes, veg and non-veg momos., aloo achar.
- Decentralized identity solutions; extending self-sovereign identity to organizations that delegate authority. Authentication via Self-Sovereign Identity.
- how self sovereign identity can be brought into reality for businesses, governments, and other orgs. +verified claims
- Go to market strategy. Educate the younger generation that there is hope to protect privacy and personal data.
- Future of authentication & identification protocols, solutions, principles
- Solutions for the sale of digital content and updates on projects that are in the works. I'd generally like to get a better feel for the identity landscape today.
- Methods for sharing encrypted information in a shared distributed repository as well as the encryption information in ways that can be later be decrypted using information that was also held in the same shared distributed repository. I have thoughts on this, but believe that the capabilities folks or others might have more thoroughly vetted solutions in this space. Insights and innovations with regard to key management.
- Identity and Payments, Zero Knowledge Proofs
- Decentralized identity solutions; extending self-sovereign identity to organizations that delegate authority. Authentication via Self-Sovereign Identity.
- VRM for consumers, IoT - identity for things,, Identity in Healthcare, blockchain-based identity, ID Proofing,
- Verifiable Claims in action!
- More about innovative identity solutions
- Advances in biometric identity management; privacy protection for biometric identity; Fake identity in international social media espionage
- Distributed identity systems
- Ethical reputation systems
- All of them!
- decentralized, global identity
- Municipal ID and government integration with digital ID
- Social networking on the blockchain
- I would like to learn about the state of live implementations of self-sovereign or blockchain-based identity: how far along is enterprise adoption?
- If anyone else has began to integrate money and identity.
- New developments in the space...
- Scaling issues in data protection: at rest, in flight, in process...
What are the critical questions about user-centric identity and data you hope to discuss with peers at IIW?
- How do we give sovereign control over identity information to individuals with nothing
- Navigate the myriad of upcoming identity credential standards, formats, etc.
- Components of remote identity proofing. Emerging standards. Relation to blockchains and decentralized apps.
- How our Real-IT (relationship with IT) reflects into and affects our Reality.
- Two factor authentication and integration points with older single-factor auth systems like AD user/password
- why we don't do more awareness of the benefits about user-centricity
- common ontology
- Bringing DLT identity technology into our university setting
- What are current big problems you are facing?
- Do we always have to think identity, when we say authnetication? Authorization? Attribute?
- How do we give sovereign control over identity information to individuals with nothing
- Is a web of trust and personal sovereignty an emergent inevitability, how much push will it take for adoption to take hold or is it impossible to get major adoption. How much will it be embraced vs fought against.
- Deployment
- I'm interested in trust from the POV of, well, humans (vs companies / orgs / service providers, etc.). I've been thinking for a few years about this issue and whether there's a way to a better mechanism to trust or not trust service providers and also to more easily do what's needed to allow SPs to trust them without giving up too much in return.
- Consent of user data
- privilege delegation in webs of trust
- What role can large NGOs play to make self sovereign identity a reality?How can a company or organization incorporate self sovereign identity concepts into their IAM program?
- How do I build a cold storage identity wallet with PHI?
- Enabling organizations to manage their delegations of authority and individuals to act on behalf of organizations.
- How we balance ease of adoption and various concerns (e.g. privacy) for Agents and Verified Claims
- Do you believe there is a demand for user-centric identity and data (present, future?)- Will this disrupt businesses of big corperations- Obsticles of success
- Do you believe there is demand (latent, emerging or existing) for user-centric identity and data?2) Will this disrupt or add value to existing corporations?3) What are the hurdles to success? (Marketing, Technical, Funding, Government regulation, other?)
- The failure of federation and how to move on. What do we keep, and what do we abandon.
- Browsers and large web estates have agendas that do not match with my interests
- Which protocols to use when designing new services and systems? Which solutions are on the way out and which ones are coming in? How do online identities, authentication and data privacy mix?
- What solutions/new types of 'keys' are available to unlock identity in a secure way that the user won't lose and if they lose the key, how to regain access.
- How to focus on designing from the perspective of individuals as not just issuers of information, but as observers that need to be able to exercise discretion about which methods, communities, individuals or particular statements they are willing to rely upon to help them sense, interpret, decide, prioritize and act.
- Amending AML/KYC laws to enable user-centric identity
- Enabling organizations to manage their delegations of authority and individuals to act on behalf of organizations.
- How identity and agency is asserted and controlled in a smart home. Federated Identities, Verifiable Attributes, and Self-Sovereign identities fit together - what combination will ultimately dominate.
- Identity protection in era of "everything is being hacked"
- What is the road to practical uses of these systems in the next years?
- Good user experience
- My ignorance about the important issues.
- user control of their data, non-proprietary shared identity systems
- Social networking on the blockchain
- developing a comprehensive, private, secure topology for the cyberspace of tomorrow
- DIDs, Key management, pairwise identifiers, decentralized identity, blockchain based identity
- How can we shift the prevalent Opt-Out culture in the United States to the Opt-In culture that is prevalent in Europe? What are the tactics to overcome this challenge?