IIW 21 Proposed Topics
From IIW
What topics are you planning to present about or lead a discussion about at this IIW?
- What's new with SP 800-63-2
- Blockchains, SmartContracts, Ethereum
- IoT issues update
- "OpenID Certification OpenID Connect Logout CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE)"
- Identity and Privacy from the cradle to the grave
- Azure Active Directory integration in Windows 10 and other identity changes in Windows 10, personal/work co-existence
- Identity federation.
- OTTO multi-party federation
- Privacy and authentication
- Polygonal ID + yada, yada.
- Internet of things
- Webfinger for personal discovery
- "UMA interop, progress, open source Consent 2.0 - what does it mean?"
- post password w"Welcomer
- Funding Application Development
- Identity for the Internet"
- Cyber Threat Intelligence Technical Committee
- Launch our Digi.me product
- Kantara UMA and OpenID HEART
- A documentary on the Future of Identity
- Mobile Connect, OpenID MODRNA WG
- Internet Security
- NAPS, registration process
- "Consent Receipt Privacy by Design"
- "end2ned Trust Assurance Kantara UMA"
- I'm new to identity and new to IIW- I hope to learn enough to have ideas for next year!
- Scoring systems for LOA
- personal servers
- Native app auth
- Internet Security
- Open source as a business model for data ownership
- XDI Core 1.0, blockchain registries
- Decentralized identity policy enforced by smart contracts
- Fast modular exponentiation in JavaScript for cryptographic authentication in web apps
What are you hoping to learn about or hear a presentation about at IIW?
- history of internet + identity, relevant crypto
- OAuth redelegation
- The IAM-related Standards Groups and IoT / Identity of Things.
- Federations
- indieweb, blockchain
- "Personal Data Identity developments"
- "Identifier first style login FIDO & federation integration"
- all kinds of things
- Users' behavior towards privacy
- oAuth, personal cloud, ePortfolio (granting access), sharing data amongst universities with student consent
- moving away from passwords, personal/work differences
- Good stuff...
- Experiences with social and other federated logins government identity, standards, two-factor authentication, IoT
- How amazingly cool our work is.
- Distributed and ad-hoc identity
- "OIDC interop The BLT sandwich of identity and access federations (business, legal, technical)"
- OAuth - proof of possession
- In depth identity management technology
- "Personal Data Identity developments"
- "new authentication methods new identity protocols privacy protection attributes distributed trust framework"
- Privacy, protection of PII, Biometrics
- VRM Day and more on UMA
- "- block chain applications- VRM"
- "reasonable UX for multi factor authentication status of FIDO"
- Identitity Management
- FIDO, NAPPS / SSO for native apps, token chaining concepts, JWT encryption for multiple recipients
- What is the impact of the blockchain technology for the eID industry?
- Privacy as user experience
- Identity Management, Identity user cases, Electronic signing.
- First time attendee!
- New authentication trends. IoT/IDoT cases/solutions. Digital transformation strategy.
- "Status EU cooperation"
- Open ID Connect futures
- How to model and manage identity data in the back office systems.Emerging identity data management issues, technology, and trend.
decentralized messaging protocols, personal clouds, blockchain identity
- Identitity Management
- Easy-to-adopt identity standards
- User experience for open data
- Healthcare
- blockchain-rooted identity
- Identify more interesting decentralized and rootless identity approaches, such as web-of-trust
- I'm looking on how to improve the user experience with federated identities
What are the critical questions about user-centric identity and data you hope to discuss with peers at IIW?
- How to respectfully and responsibly manage digital identity on behalf of users
- lack of sound IAM for IoT
- I am not yet convicted, despite sitting through a CIS 15 session, that current standards/technology is sufficient to supplant the need for user ID/PWs.
- Curious about privacy preserving yet rich logging -- moving away from access log to informative statistics
- all the things
- oAuth, personal cloud, ePortfolio (granting access), sharing data amongst universities with student consent
- How can we integrate our current identities with federated identities
- what is fact; what is fiction, where are we on the adoption curve; are we close to a breakthrough - what, where, how
- How do we connect digitally without depending on the cloud for identity
- How to create safe harbors for service providers so they can outsource authorization tasks
- OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 implementation
- more standard platforms
- interoperability
- The use of biometrics versus data privacy
- How to effectively build multiple identity and trust relationships into system architectures
- Business to citizen, IoT, FIDO
- How are businesses approaching new CX expectations. What is the nature of competition in the digital marketplace? What are likely candidates to *replace user/password authentication?
- policies vs transactions AND analytics
- have not reviewed proposed topics yet
- Personal data ownership, privacy
- How do we convince people to run their own servers?
- How can we make this as sustainable and high-growth as "traditional" startup models?
- standardization and interoperability
- "web of trust rootless decentralized identity"
- usability, value proposition